Saturday, September 8, 2012

Lab A Rachel

Yesterday was our first lab for EDU 255!!! My first teaching experience here at Cortland!! I felt I did ok, I can definitely improve. From what I got back from my observers and my TA, is that I could be a little louder, I could connect that to what is mentioned in chapter 4, in the paragraph under inability to hear or see. If my students can't hear me when I am teaching, it will waste time during class if I have to repeat myself just because I am not loud enough. Another thing that I need to work on is to not be so nervous! I need to slow down and just realize there is nothing to be nervous about, this is what I want to do and what I love. In chapter 4, under establishing signals and procedures it talks about how a whistle is useful in large play areas but should not be relied on in a smaller play area. Yesterday I used the whistle my first time, but then the second time I just used a clap and raising of a hand. I could of been more creative the second time like Tyler using moose. In chapter 4 under the paragraph where it says to use students to demonstrate when appropriate, I feel like I could of used the students more, involved them more. Instead of just asking them what I was doing, I could of had them do it. I could of had them reach into the bucket and see the form of their arm. What I learned in lab A will definitely help me in lab B, I need to be more loud, not to be nervous and not to use "UM". Overall I believe that everyone did very well, remember everyone, we can only do better from here!


  1. As time goes on in this course you will become more comfortable speaking in front of others. You could already tell from the first time to the second. We all have those jitters at first.

  2. Rachel, Congrats on your first teaching experience at Cortland! I thought your hook was intriging and creative. You just have to be confident! Like Dr. B said, "we all have those jitters at first." If you are confident and well prepared you have nothing to worry about!

  3. Rachel, You did a great job on your first teaching experience at Cortland! Your hook was very creative and drew me right in and I understood exactly what you were talking about. Like you said in your refection you just needed to be a little louder but don’t worry so did I. Also I was very nervous also but I guess it’s expected since it was the first time we spoke in front of each other. Overall, great lab A!

  4. Rachel-

    My favorite part about your Lab A was your hook. I think you could see that you were nervous, but you still were able to perform at an adequate level for presenting. One thing you could work on is your voice. It's very different speaking in front of people in a gymnasium as opposed to a classroom. I'm sure you'll be able to transition fine!

  5. Rachel, I thought you did very well. As being a former student from Herkimer with you, you have improved greatly since then. You could tell that you were a little nervous but you still did a great job! Your hook was very creative and I had no clue where you were going with that which got me interested. I look forward to your next teaching assignment!


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