Thursday, November 29, 2012


As a whole, I felt like Lab D was a pretty nice way to end the 255 semester. There were some things that I had struggled with throughout the whole semester but I feel like I now have the tools to make it in 355 and 256. One of my biggest struggles was the time coding sheet and finding that balance of activity time and management time (more on that later). That has been following me since Lab B and it is something that I need to make better. That would be my main goal going into next semester: Scoring five out of five on my time coding sheet.

There were things that I did right on the C9 form but like always, there are always things that I can work on. Most of the parts of my lesson that were lacking, in my opinion, are normally strengths such as transitions, safety awareness and my pace. My visual aid was also lacking a bit of excitement as I had complications getting that done in advance. I feel like some of these things were lacking because I talk to much, which always seems to be my problem going into every lab. I think this is so because I get really paranoid that students may not understand what is going to happen sometimes or what I expect out of them so I may sometimes over explain things when I shouldn't. It is something that I need to work on going into 256 and 355. I also didn't do an adequate job preparing the class for being on the ice rink; it was cold and I should have mentioned them to bring gloves but it was one of those things that just slipped my mind at the time so I will have to remember that for next time.
 My biggest problem to date is this darn time coding sheet. Every time I get this back from my TA, I can't believe that my management time is always higher than my activity (45% versus 32%) time even though I plan it on my lesson plan to have more activity time than anything but it never seems to work out the way I ever want it to. I talked for what seemed like a few minutes during the presentation itself, well it was actually almost six minutes, which makes me go crazy because I tried so hard to plan it out. I do feel like I have taught enough now where I can use this to my advantage for 256 and 355. The main thing that I have learned is that the section of your lesson plan that says time lies to you, so I will plan more time.

I feel like this was something that could go either way. I liked the feedback that I was giving when watching myself again, for instance the feedback that I gave to Amanda about the snow plow stop, but while I was watching everyone skate, during the lesson, it felt like I wasn't really saying enough and that is something that confuses me just a bit. I obviously could have done better during the lesson but I felt as though I wasn't doing enough and when I watched myself again, I thought to myself, well it could be worse, I could have kept my mouth shut. The biggest problem on my feedback sheet was the difficulty of what I was asking. A lot of people on their assessment forms did not get all the way to the hockey stop, which was my intent going into the lab. I felt as though most people in the class were decent skaters but I was quickly proven wrong at the beginning, although a lot of the students showed significant improvements from their instant activity warm up which made me very happy. I need to pay more attention to the students sometimes, as I can sometimes get carried away with what I had on the lesson plan and not stop and thing about if the students are having trouble.

According to the C12, I did pretty well in most categories, scoring a 1 in enthusiasm, body language, appearance, and management of the environment. I scored a 2 in clarity, demonstration, and confidence and a 3 in voice inflection. I think that this is pretty accurate. Things happen that I couldn't control, an ankle injury bothering me for a few days stopped me from demonstrating much and the loud area might have hurt my voice, next time I WILL JUST HAVE TO YELL LIKE I'M DOING NOW! 

Going through this form, I felt as though it was pretty accurate to the rest of the forms. My voice was a little lacking, I did not give a clear demonstration of what I was asking the class to do (ankle) and my feedback was a little iffy at times. Another big thing that I didn't do was change the activity to make it easier for them, as my gut was telling me the whole time to just go for it and things would be okay. Things were far from okay as the students were left struggling with what they were trying to do. Double Whammy: No demonstration and hard objectives. My goal for next time is to come to the lesson with plans in my head with what to do if students are having an easy time or a hard time (Lab C was too easy, Lab D was too hard, go figure that one).

This form didn't really give me much to work with, as the only thing filled in up to the 17th minute was what the class was doing. There also wasn't any names on the sides where it says student, just male or female was circled and there were no comments on the other side of the page. So the only thing that I can really talk about was that certain students were standing at certain times, whether it was because I was giving instructions or they were using coaches eye, or they were getting ready for the final game or the closure. I'm not sure but I have narrowed it down to one of those things, I just need to work on that for 256 and 355.

Pilates questions
  1. What is Pilates?
    1. Pilates is a physical movement program designed to stretch, strengthen, and balance the body.
  2. What is the main focus on Pilates and how does that help anxiety?
    1. Pilates focuses on postural symmetry, breath control, abdominal strength, spine, pelvis and shoulder stabilization, muscular flexibility, joint mobility and strengthening through a complete range of motion of all joints.
    2. Pilates helps anxiety by relaxing you by taking deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth. 
  3. What are benefits to Pilates?
    1. Benefits include spinal mobility, increased muscle flexibility, increased muscular strength and endurance, increased lung capacity and circulation, improved posture and balance, improved body awareness, decreased low back pain and much more.
  4. Would you take another class?
    1. Honestly, I'm not a flexible person so in that sense, no but in regards to getting flexible, then yes
  5. Why do we focus on quality over quantity in Pilates?
    1. Focusing on quality targets correct ways to do it because Pilates is ineffective if done incorrectly.

Exer-gaming questions

1. What was the stimulant we discussed that when used in large amounts can lead to loss of balance?
2. What organ specifically is damaged when this stimulant is used irresponsibly and on a frequent basis?
Liver3. What was the cue that was critical to run fast during the sprinting?
High knees
4. What was the cue that many of you were having difficulty with in the javelin section?
Follow through to sky
5. What was the last cue that was important in the long jump? Hint: Think Car!!
Lay up
6. Did you feel that you displayed proper sportsman ship during the lesson and if so what was it?
I think I did for the most part. I couldn't give this 100% because of my ankle but I cheered for everyone that went and for those that set new world records with either the sprinting, javelin, or long jump.

Exer-gaming questions (2)

  • What game did you play?
    • The games that I played were soccer and ball rebounding.
  • What fitness components were in the game?
    • I needed muscular endurance to continuously kick the soccer ball and deflect the balls in the other game.
  • How are these fitness components beneficial to you in the long run?
    • They keep me up and moving and able to keep moving. Without muscular endurance, how do you expect to do anything?
  • Which game did you find to be more actively involved in?
    • The soccer game because there was a lot of parts to it. I didn't get the opportunity to play the dance game much or it would have been that.

QR code questions
What are 3 signs or symptoms of depression?
                  Trouble sleeping, withdrawn, lack of energy
What are 3 cures for depression?
                  Exercise, therapy, medication
How well did you and your partner work together?
                  I would say very well
How many codes were you able to find?
Did you and your partner have any issues with finding the codes? If so, what?
                 Running out into the parking lot in a snow storm was difficult, and finding the QR code on a tire was                     hard too

Did you have fun?
             Overall yes.  

Lab D Broomball

Going from Lab C to Lab D was a good step forward since learning from Lab C and how to manage the time of my lesson really helped in Lab D. Although I may have done slightly better in Lab C, I learned through some mistakes in my final lab. With those mistakes, I know where I need to focues on to improve for future lessons in EDU 256, 355, and 356. This class over the past semester has really helped me understand what I need to do as a educater and why presenting lessons to create physically educated students is important.
C-9          TA C-9
After viewing the C-9 form from my TA after my lesson, I was disappointed in that fact that I missed out on some important parts including the safety statement, check for understanding, and the closure. The one thing that I did not want to do was digress from Lab C. Making this mistake really made me think about my preparation before my lesson and whether I was focused or not during the lesson. Although there was an unexpected group of people on the ice with us which really changed the setting of class, there is no excuse. Distractions like that will occur in a real school setting so having that happen to me now may be a good thing. Comparing the TA's C-9 to my own, we both agree that my voice and enthusiasm were much of my strength in my presentation. I think that being vocal and showing great interest in the activity will deffinetly draw your students in even more. Another strong aspect to my lesson were my activities. Since this was the first part of the Broomball unit, I made the activities simple so the students could get used to walking on the ice and moving around without ice skates. Even with these strengths in my lesson, I could have done a better job in my demonstrations. In Lab C, my demonstrations of the activities were helpful to the students to know exactly what and how to perform the activity but in Lab D I was not as specific in the movement. For an example, I could have performed the obstacle course I set up so the students could see it in full speed before they tried it. There are some parts that I can improve on and other parts that I need to continue to improve on.
TA Time Analysis           Time Record
Although I am not content with my C-9 form, I am very happy with my time analysis. My goal from Lab C was to get a perfect score in Lab D and I accomplished that. In my TA's time analysis form I recieved the full five points for management, activity, instruction, and waiting. I am proud that from Lab B to Lab D my activity time progressivly got better and I eventually obtained 60% activity time in my Broomball lesson. In my own time record I did not reach the same percentages for each code but the outcome was the same with having the greatest amount of time spent on practice, then lecture/demonstration and the least amount of time on management. Recieving full credit on my time analysis is deffinetly something that I can be happy about because time management while teaching is critical. My goal is to have the maximum amout of participation for the maximum amount of students in the maximum amount of time and I achieved that goal.
In Lab C I provided a lot of positive feedback as well as a good amount of corrective feedback. My goal for Lab D was to build off of that and progress even further with giving more corrective feedback and providing feedback to the overall class. I did not completely reach this goal, for the most part I stayed the same with the amount of positive and corrective feedback I gave. Like in Lab C, I used the students names whenever I spoke to them which is important because you want them to know who you are speaking to and why. Most of my students did not experience much difficulty during the activities. Those who had trouble in the beginning made good improvements towards the end of the lesson. Although I provided a good amount of feedback in both Lab C and Lab D, I do believe that I need to improve. The classes that I have taught had only consisted of eight students and classes that I will be teaching will have more students so it will be more difficult to give good feedback.
I am very pleased with the peer evaluation that I recieved. I was give high scores in each of the questions which is nice to see that my teaching style and lessons are liked. Like in my C-9 form, I recieved a high score for my voice and enthusiasm which is important to me because both can influence the interest levels of the students during the lesson. I was given a high rating for my demonstrations as well but I think I could have done better by showing the class how to do the obstacle course and explain why each activity was important. One other aspect that I think that I can improve on is my management of the environment. Although I was given a 1 which is the highest score you can get, I believe that I could of done more to prevent the class from being distracted by the group of people on the ice with us. I could of had their backs to them so they would see only me and maybe have more focus throughout the lesson.
After watching myself teach, I believe that I could have done better with establishing more safety, ask students questions, and have a better formatted closure. Giving a safety statement at the beginning of class would better inform the students of what could happen if there were any goofing around, asking questions to the students would give me a better understanding of their knowledge and ending with a good closure would help me and the students reflect on what they learned during the lesson and how they progressed. However, there are some positives to come out of Lab D such as having approprate activities, being professional, working well in a loud environment, and having a smile with enthusiasm throughout the lesson. Making mistakes now will help me for the future because I am gaining experience as well as the rest of the class.
I think I did fairly well with my SOFIT form although I did not reach all of the percentages exactly. Again I was able to exceed the motor content percentage with 64% when it requires 50% of the lesson to involve motor content. I did not do so well with the management aspect as I scored a 26% when you should only have 10%. In order to improve on this I have to be more prepared with my equipment and plan my transitions ahead of time so it flows smoother. I did a little better with my knowledge percentage scoring a 10% when the preferred score is 15%. Like in my C-9 form and self analysis, to improve my knowledge content I need to ask students more questions about the activities and establish a good closure at the end of the lesson. Making these improvements will allow me to score better on my SOFIT and C-9 forms as well as make gains as a teacher.
After completing my Lab D, my goals for the future are to better prepare myself ahead of time with management, explaining safety, check for understanding, and establish a good closure. Each of these aspects to teaching are important because they allow you and the students to make progress. If students have trouble understanding the material or performing the activity, it is my job to help them. Looking into the future, I believe I can make these improvements along with building up my strengths to become a better teacher. This course has deffinetly prepared me to move on into EDU 256, 355, and 356 in which I am very excited for. There are always improvements to be made and I am excited to develop into the best teacher I can be.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Lab D Pilates

Going into Lab D I was very nervous because I have been preparing for this all semester, I wanted to do really well on this and make the last Lab my best one. I challenged myself and did the best I could. This was a great Lab and I couldn't be happier how it turned out.

C9 Form
  My C9 form was good but could have been a lot better. Strengths of my C9 form was first my instant activity, although it wasn't very active it was very specific to what I was focusing on during my teaching. I thought this was great to show the class because they were going to be using in the whole time throughout the lesson. Another strength was my feedback, I gave a lot of feedback and it was very specific. I believe my feedback was great because Pilates is not easy and the feedback was positive and made the students believe they were doing well. Weaknesses of my C9 form was first my checking for understanding. I could of done more of this by after demonstrating a movements I could of asked the student the specific cues of the movements to make sure they understood what they were doing. Also my closure could have been better, I didn't ask any questions and I didn't go back over my cues. I rushed through it and didn't take enough time to explain everything I could of. My C9 form could have been better.

Time Coding
   My time coding form was the same as it was for Lab C. I got a 4 on it which I was happy about, but I didn't improve from the last time. I did well on my management I allowed the students to always be doing something. I got 9% on this which is below the 15% it had to be. I also did well on my activity it was over 50% I was glad that I kept the students active because in Pilates it can be very hard at some points. The time waiting I also did well on the students did not wait at all, they were always doing something. The part that I had trouble with was the instruction, this has always been my problem. I need to cut down on the instruction a little and allow the students to do more of the activity. My time coding form is my favorite form to look at.

   My C12 form was done by Liz and she gave me very good feedback. She liked my visual aids and she said that was a big help. She aslo showed that I did a great job demonstarting each move and it was good to have someone who knew the exercises. She said I need to work on being more exciting with my voice, I agree with this because then the class will feed off this. I really enjoyed reading her opinion on my teaching and it will really help me.

   This was my first time doing a C13 form. When watching my video and filling out the form at the same time I learned a lot about my teaching. IT made me pay attention more to how I was teaching. One key factor that I noticed was my voice. I talked really fast throughout my video and it was very difficult to understand. Also another factor I noticed was that I only stated one of my objectives during the lesson and it was only the psycomotor one. I need to state other objectives so the students know what I am looking for form them throughout the class. Besides those two problems the C13 form was good, I was very organized throughout my lesson and I believed what helped me was the visual aids. I had all the exercises displayed out and they were very easy to follow. M C13 form was a great way to grade my own teaching because I always critize myself the most and I want to be perfect in my teaching, so this form will get me betetr and better.

  For doing my first SOFIT form it was good. My management time was below 1% which is good, it shows i didn't talk to the class the whole time I allowed a lot of time for activity. My General knowledge was a lot good it was 5% which was below the 15% it had to be, I did well on that also. The fitness part I did very good on it had to be over 50% and it was 60%, I was glad to see this because I know that I allowed the students to practice the activity. I am glad this form went well.

   When starting the whole journey on day 1 I was nervous going into lab A which was just a introduction, and my introduction was not very good, it was short and did not have much detail whats so ever. Now my introductions are a lot better and give the students a lot of different details about the lesson ahead of them. Lab B a did a little better, but I also learned that I do need a lot of work. In lab B I never dementsrated my activity, which wasn't good because the students did not see how it was suppose to be done. Now I know to always dementrate what I am going to be teaching because for the visual learners in the class it will be very helpful. Lab C I thought was my favorite teaching lab because of how we incorporated the different grades on how they learn, although it was a lot of work It went very well, the students learned a new game they have never heard of and they had fun doing it. Lab C I believe was my best lab. Then we went on to Lab D which was the final lab to show everyone what you got and how your grew as a teacher. My lab D went very well, I feel like I did well in teaching a activity that can be very hard, but also that it could have been better. I could have done a better job with my objectives which is a  very important part to teaching. My Lab D will help me in the future because now I know how to have a full class and teach them for the full time. My golas for when I teach next wether in be in 256 or 355 I will slow donw and be better and communicating to my students. Also I will better at stating my objectives and making sure the students know what I want them to do. 255 was a great teaching learning experience and I will keep everything that I learned with me for future times of teaching.

Lab D Tyler Hall Stomping

I thought lab D was a great way to end our teaching segment for EDU 255. It was a real challenge with having to do an assessment, and integrating a heath topic as well as technology. Although I enjoyed the challenge I thought I took a step backwards from lab c after watching my video. There are many reasons as to why this is which will be talked about below.

Progression from Lab C
Throughout this class I think that I have improved greatly. I have in the fact that I feel a lot more comfortable teaching in front of a group without getting the nervous jitters before hand. I also progressed in the fact that I used the teaching strategies such as the signal of attention, expectations and checks for understanding more than I have. Although I have progressed throughout the semester, going from lab c to lab d I did not think I improved so much. In lab c I didn't have a lot of checks for understanding and when I went to lab d I rarely had any checks for understanding. Also in lab c I had a lot of good feedback but in lab d I barely had any feedback at all. One thing that was a positive progression was that I felt comfortable myself teaching this time. 

C9 Forms
For lab d, my C9 form was not as good as mine in lab c. Looking back at my video, there were many big factors that I left out of my lesson that I put on my lesson guide. On the C9 form my checks for understanding had a low score because I did not ask specific questions with them which is very true. When I asked a question it was does everybody understand? and that isn't very productive. In the future I need to ask more specific questions where the students will have to elaborate more than a thumbs up. Also, on the TA's C9 form was to give specific feedback. I thought that this was true and it happened mainly because during the heart of the lesson I had my back to the students when showing the steps. I did not get a chance to see who was doing it wrong. In order to fix that I should have faced them and done it. Also, I could have had the students doing a self-check with the mirror. The mirror was right in front of me and I did not utilize it. One last thing was that I had a weakness with energy when the topic of stomping is an upbeat and energetic unit. In the future I am going to show a lot of energy right away in order to get the students engaged. I will do this by coming into the classroom with my voice louder and in a better attitude. On my C9 form I made a comment to have a better demo. When I did the demo, I did not do a very good job doing it. I messed up a little bit which through it off. Also, when doing the dance I should have broken the steps in a more organized way than I did.

C11 Feedback Form
In this form I did not do a very good job during my lesson with. All of the feedback I gave was not specific and there was barely any corrective feedback. The only corrective feedback I gave was when the students asked me questions at the end with the creative dance part. In the future, I need to walk around more and observe the students and see how well they were doing and if they were struggling with the activities. Another thing I noticed was that the feedback I gave was not very good feedback. When I gave feedback all I said was "very good" or "nice". In lab c I did very well giving feedback as I did not do so well in lab d. Also, I noticed in the video but not when I was teaching was the number of students that were having difficulty. When I was teaching I did not think that many people were having difficulty.

C12 Peer Evaluation
In my peer evaluation form I received a low grade on all of the questions. I got a 5 on the clarity which most likely came from me not organizing the steps in a good way. In the future I would have broken the steps into step 1 and 2 together then 3 and 4 together, then 5 and 6 and lastly steps 7 and 8. Next was the teacher demo which I received a grade of 4. I agree with this one because I only gave one demo of the full dance. I thought I did good demos of the steps though. The next one was the teachers enthusiasm where I received a 5. Thinking back to when I was preparing this lesson, I didn't even think of being overly enthusiastic. Also, looking at my video also I did not have much energy in my voice. One thing I did not agree was that I got a low grade on the professional apperance where I thought that I looking professional during the lesson.

C13 Self-Analysis
In my self-analysis form I missed out on the statement of expectations, opportunity for clarification, and feedback and modeling. I missed the expectations because I never told the class that they were going to be tested at the end or even that they were being assessed on their affective behavior. I should have said it after I told the class my signal of attention. I miss the clarification because I did not give specific checks for understanding during my lesson when I did. I should have asked specific questions on the cues or even the classroom rules. The last one that I did not reach was the feedback. I did not give myself a chance to give feedback by standing in front of the class the whole lesson. In the future if I taught this lesson again. I would have them perform the steps when I'm not up at the front and walk around and give feedback on their steps.

Time Coding Sheets
In lab d, I did very well on the TA's time coding sheet. I got 4 out of 5 points on it which was my highest score yet. The point that I did not receive was  management time which was off by just 2%. I could have got the full 5 points if I set up the music better because I was messing with that during the lesson. That could have been the difference of me getting the full 5 points rather than just 4. Also, on the TA's time coding sheet I received 53% activity time which I would like to be at least 60% of the time. In order to do this my talking time needs to be cut down. One way I could have in this lesson was make a faster instant activity to get into. Mine took a little long getting started due to me having to explain it. In my own time coding sheet I got 75% activity time, 21 % lecture/demonstration and 4 % management. I reached 2 of the 3 guidelines. I really liked that I had 75% activity time in this one. Although it showed that I talked to much with having 21% lecture time. Another way that I could have cut out this time was that my first lecture was too long in my eyes. I could have broken up that lecture into several lectures that are not as long. I thought that would have cut down time lecture time. In the future I won't stick all of the talking into the first lecture and spread out the talking more evenly to see if that works better.

On the so-fit sheet, I did not do very well on. My management time was 42% when it is supposed to be 10%. This is not very close at all. In order to change this my equipment needs to be more ready. The piece of equipment that did not help me out with this number was the music player. It was not ready when I needed it to be. Next time I will have a checklist of what needs to be done before the lesson in order to be ready. For general knowledge I got 23% when it should be 15%. The lecturing time needs to be cut in the future in order for my numbers to be where they should be. The next one was physical fitness knowledge which was 3%. The last one was motor content where I got 33% when it should be 50%. The forms from early show that they same problems over and over again.

In the future I really need to focus on my checks for understanding and my feedback in my lessons. I thought throughout this class I did fairly well with everything else but those 2 components were by far my weakness. In the future I am going to write my checks for understanding in on my lesson guide and make sure they are specific. Also, for increasing my feedback I will put a reminder on my lesson guide to give good feedback.

Looking back on EDU 255 I thought that this class and the teaching activities were very useful. At my last junior college we never really had a class where we were taught how to teach. We would teach in our activity courses and just focus on the actual activity and not the format of teaching. I believe that EDU 255 is a great class to learn how to teach. I think that this class is by far the most important part of the curriculum.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

lab c tchouckball

My growth from lab b to lab c was good. I feel myself getting more comfortable in talking  to and teaching others. Although I am still nervous in front of people but I am learning on how to deal with it and keep calm. I noticed I did not say “guys” as much this time which is a big improvement.

C9- For my C9 I received a 13.75 out of 19. Although my instant activity started quickly the other activities did not. The game of Tchouckball has a lot of rules. I tried to explain ALL of them rather than focusing on the most important rules. I demonstrated my main activity in the mirrors thinking it would be better so everybody can see. Facing the students and doing demonstrations from different angles is the best way to do this so everybody can see what you want them to do. I also need to do better with my feedback. Saying student’s names and using congruent feedback will help the students in working on their skills. One of my biggest weaknesses is my voice. I need to project more.

Time coding- Time coding is something that I need to work on. I received 1 point out of the overall 5. My management time was 17%. I can work on this by putting equipment where it needs to before starting my lesson. My activity time was 44% out of 50% which I though was good but could be better. I want the students to have the maximum amount of activity time as possible. My instruction time was 39%. I think I tried to explain too many rules at once which may have confused some students. Next time I will focus on the most important rules of the game. One of my strengths off the time coding sheet was my waiting time which was 0%. This means students were not standing around. being inactive.

Teacher Behavior Scale-  While watching my video I realized I could have used more feedback to the 
students. I said things like " good job"  and "nice pass" but feedback was very general where it should have been more specific. I think this is because I was nervous about being in front of people and I was worried about managing my time. I need to say students names more and give congruent feedback so they know what I want them to do and work on. I think this scale helped me realize what I need to work on in this category.

Goals- Some goals for Lab D will be speaking louder and more clear so students can hear and understand what I want them to do. Demonstrating skills from different angles may help as well. Managing time so students get maximum activity is also very important.


LAB C Hantis

Teaching in Lab C with my group was a lot of fun and we all did very well and made many improvements from Lab B. However, we were not the only group to do well, I think everyone was well prepared and taught their activities at a high level.
C9 Form TA C-9
From Lab B to Lab C, I made some good improvements with my overall delivery of my lesson. I gained a few more strengths including maximum participation and safety awareness. I am especially happy with my safety awareness strength because in Lab B when I taught the forward roll I could have made a bigger emphasis on tucking the chin. While in Lab C, I made sure the students knew what I wanted them to do during class in order to keep the environment safe. Another good improvement from Lab B was my hook. I think my hook in Lab C really drew the attention from my students when I mentioned that Hantis was created by high school students. When comparing my TA's C9 form to the one I did myself, there are not many differences. One would be that I did not exactly state my name in my introduction and I failed to mention what my signal for attention actually was although the students were aware that it was my voice. Like in Lab B, I gave good congruent feedback to most of the students in the class but I can deffinetly do better for Lab D. After watching myself teach, I noticed that I only said "guys" two or three times throughout the lesson which is great compared to the previous times I have taught. Although I made good improvements since Lab B, I still have work to do in creating more strengths such as giving more individual specific feedback and try to get myself to not say "guys" at all.
Time Analysis  TA Time Analysis
One of the most important things that I wanted myself to achieve in Lab C was to have activity for more than half of the class. I was successful with 52% of my lesson being activity, which is a great improvement from 41% in Lab B. Reaching that goal ment that I had to spend less time with management which was important since more than half of my lesson in Lab B was spent on management. That was my best improvement between the two labs since I improved from a 56% to only 13% in management. The only time coding that I missed was the instruction time. The goal was to get less than 30% and I went over slightly using 33% of my time instructing. There is always something that you can improve on. As I did my own time analysis form, I ended up with the exact same activity time and only getting a difference of a few percent in management and instruction. So the time analysis of my lesson is very valid and reliable. Like in Lab B, I am happy with my waiting time being zero percent so every student is participating throughout the class.
After going over my video, I think I did a fairly good job giving feedback and using the students names when I was talking to them. However, most of my feedback was not specific and just positive such as saying "Good, job." I could have done a better job walking around to the entire class instead of staying on one side of the gym and giving feedback across the class. Using names was one of my strengths teaching the lesson because I was able to get the student's attention right away when I had something to say. There were a few times when I had to use a student's name dealing with behavior or setting up partners before an activity. With each of the activities that I taught only one or two students had some challenges performing the skill. However, they were capable of going through the cues and perform at a higher level than before. From Lab C to Lab D, one major improvement that I want to make is to give more specific feedback to nearly every student if possible. I only gave good specific feedback five times to an individual student which could be better.
I have some specific goals that I would like to reach for Lab D including giving more individual specific feedback, spend even more time with activities, and gain more strengths in my delivery. I am very happy with my performance in Lab C but I know that I can make these improvements and better my teaching even more.
The challenge of Lab C was a lot of fun and as a group being successful was a great achievement for us. As a class, we all did well and made great strides from Lab B and being a student in the other lessons was very fun because I was able to learn new sports and activities.

Lab C - Hantis

I couldn't be happier that Lab C is over with. Lab C was a long process that I am glad is almost finished with. Though it wasn't easy, it was a great experience. I learned a lot about myself as a teacher. Most importantly I am more comfortable in learning new games and activities that I have never heard of before. I broadened myself as a teacher and in my opinion have gained new strengths.

C9 Form
      C9 Form

The TA's form and my form are very similar. One key factor that I missed out on was my safety statements, this was one element that I missed out on and need to work on for next time. The TA shows on the form that I did well with checking for understanding, but when i watched the video I feel like I could have done more. Checking for understanding is important because I want my students to know what they are doing and not look confused. Some of the activities I did, it wasn't as smooth as I wanted it to be and I feel like if I checked for understanding more often then it wouldn't of happened. Parts on the C9 form that I agreed with was that I did well demonstrating my activities. When I was showing my activities my demonstrations were different and in my eyes they were helpful to the class. Also what I really liked was my closure because I added standard 3 into it and said that the students could play this game anywhere because it is very easy to set up. My C9 form in my opinion was good, but it could be better, I want to get a perfect score on it.

Time Coding
       Time coding

The time coding form is my favorite form to look at because I feel its the most important. Time is a huge factor in teaching, and the more the students are active the better in my opinion. My management time was 9% which was under the 15% it had to be. I was happy to see this because the students were not standing around not doing anything. My activity was above 50% and this was important to be because I wanted the students to be active for as much as possible. Another good part to this was my time waiting, I had one problem with my computer in showing a video and that was the only time the students were waiting. I'm glad i fixed the problem fast and it wasn't a bigger problem. The only part I have to work on is the instruction, I did that for a little to long, if I can shorten that up my teaching would have been better. I want my next time coding form to be perfect next time and get the full points.

Teacher behavior scale
      This form was interesting to do because sometimes you don't notice what you are saying to other students and also I realized that I didn't do it enough. A lot of the times I was giving feedback I would just say "good job." That is not helpful to a student because they do not know what they are doing good on. I need to be more specific feedback. When I need give feedback that was helpful, I always started out with being positive first and the told them something they could work on. Also I could work on relating my feedback back to my cues, I did it a little bit, but not enough. My cues are important because that is what I want the students to focus on. If I am able to use those more, the students will be able to learn the activity better. This form is very helpful and it allows me to pay attention to my teaching more, which in the ned will make me a better teacher.

     My goals for Lab D are to be better with my instructions to my students and also to be more clear. I talk very fast when teaching and this can be very confusing to my students because then they are very confused. If I can work on speaking slower then my students will be able to understand the lesson better. Lab C was a great challenged and it went very well. I'm excited for Lab D because its another milestone I want et over and also it will be another great learning experience for myself as a teacher.

Lesson plan

Greg's Lab C Reflection

Sepak Takraw



Lab C was an excellent experience and I can feel myself growing as a teacher more and more as each lab goes on. This lab was not exception, one thing that I noticed that I did significantly better in was the construction of my lesson plan(lesson plan) Having focused so heavily on my lesson plan and activities made me more confident going into lab C.

C9 Form

Upon looking over my C9 and the Ta’s C9 for me I found that they were relatively similar in regards to my safety statement, visual aid and providing proper feedback, The biggest problem that I ran into yet again was the timing of my lesson. Going into this lab I knew that that was something that needed to be addressed from my lab B. Unfortunately, it still happened despite my best efforts, I believe that with the added problem with dealing with behavior problems made me loose my focus and took time away from the lesson that I did not properly account for. In the next lab I really need to make sure I map every little detail out. The one thing that my Ta's stated that I would have to disagree with was that they said “don't ignore other students.” I believe that I did a good job trying to keep all students with in sight and provide feedback to all except for when I needed to provide another demonstration for Laura and Andrew who were having difficulties with the header. With that being said there is always room for more feedback for both higher and lower skill students. One thing that I learned from my teachers C9 that I did not from mine was that not all students were active and some were limited in participation because of my choice in activities. One thing that severely affected me was not being able to have proper nets because we were unable to get a gym that could allow nets. If I were able to have several nets set up as planned I feel that the participation would have gone up dramatically. However, that is not an excuse and for the next lab as well as future teaching I will need to change up my lesson plan to accommodate for the absence of required equipment.


C10- Time Coding

This was definitely a weak point in my lesson. I did not score well on my time analysis of my lesson, I had a 17% management, 31% activity, 29% Instruction, and 23% waiting. My instruction and management time was nearly in the target zone which is good to know because it will be easier for me to know how much time I should designate to instructing and managing where students are to go for the activity. The areas that I really need to work on are my waiting time and activity time. I believe that these scores suffered because I did not have the proper equipment and space and found myself adjusting activities as I saw fit. On my own time analysis it further enforced what I really needed to work on. I scored a 53% on practice, 37% on lecture/demo, and a 8% on the management section. The only target that I reached was my management which was different from the Ta's time analysis of my lesson. My goal for the next lab is, I'm going to focus on keeping students more active, and wait less in between and during activities.

C11- Behavior rating scale

This form was very useful to me because it focused more on how you communicate with your students which is the most important part of being a physical education teacher. The first part of the form showed me that I provided lots of corrective and positive feedback to individuals that were related directly to the skills. This is critical because as and physical education teacher nothing encourages students more than knowing the teacher is taking note of all the good things they are doing and providing them with some ideas that will help better them. This form also shows me how well I know my students or in this case classmates. Par of this form asked me to keep track of how man times I mentioned a students name and after all was said and done I recorded that I used classmates names over 60 times!! I feel that this is very important as a teacher because it lets the students know that you are specifically referring to them and specifically instructs a student to do something or let them know you are talking to them for encouragement or instruction. Finally, the last part showed me that I was making things too hard or was not clear enough with my instruction because my results showed that at least two students were having difficulty with the activity’s that I had planned in my lesson for that day. Next time I can tone things back and make my directions more clear and tasks more simple so the class has more success than failure.

Lab D and progress

Since the beginning of the semester I have been learning so much and have been able to see my progression from lab B to lab C. I have noticed that I have been gaining confidence and have been adding a little more and a little more every time im teaching. For lab D I plan on doing the same only I will focus on not talking so much and having the class stay more active. I will be able to do this be being more clear with my instructions and no over explaining everything. By doing these few simple things I will be able to hopefully enter all the target zones on the time analysis sheet which will ultimately make me a better teacher all around.

Lab C Sepak Takraw Tyler Hall

Sepak Takraw Lab C
Lab C was very fun for me because I got to learn four new activities that I have never heard of before. All four of these activities were unique and fun in certain ways. I was overall pleased with my performance in lab C but far from where I would like to be. When I told other Cortland students, that are also in EDU 255, that I was teaching Sepak Takraw for my lab C they all said "What the heck is that". They all were surprised that we got such odd activities for us to teach. I thought this gave our class an advantage because not only did we learn a new activity but it made us prepare for the lab even more than usual due to having to learn the activity more in depth.

My growth from lab b to lab c I thought was a big jump. In lab b I thought I was very nervous and not as comfortable as I was in lab c. My nerves before lab c were very calm and I was not nervous one bit for this one. I was actually excited for it. Another thing I thought I improved greatly in was feedback. In lab b when I gave feedback all I said were "good job" and in lab c when I gave feedback I was relating it back to the cues and pointing to the cue board which is congruent feedback from the book. 

C9 Forms: 
The TA's C9 form and mine were very similar but had some differences also. One thing I noticed on my TA's form was to not forget the checks for understanding which I really need to improve on. In the beginning of class, I did a couple of checks for understandings which were asking Paul and Ryan on what we were doing and those were the only two I did throughout the lesson. I completely forgot to do them during the remainder of the lesson and I could have easily. One time I could of done one was with the last game at the end, where I could have asked the students to give me thumbs up if they understood the objective of the game. One thing I disagreed with the TA on in this form was that I thought that my safety awareness was a weakness instead of average. I thought this because I didn't give a safety statement at the beginning and I also did not give any safety rules at the beginning of drills or practices. Before each drill I should have stated to respect the equipment and watch out for the hoops in the middle of the gym. I said some safety during drills which students probably shook off and did not pay attention to them because it was very general. Another weakness of mine that I put on my C9 form was clean up because often times there were all types of balls lying all over the gym. Not only did it make the classroom look bad but it was very dangerous due to students could have tripped on them. Overall on my TA's C9 form I got a 17.5/19 which I thought was pretty good which I was very happy with. The points I missed were that I did not have an introduction and my checks for understanding were not there. Those two points can be easy fixes for next time.

Time Coding:
The results for the time coding sheets were very different but that is most likely due to the student time sheet was different than the TA's form because in the student form instruction and demonstration were combined. In the TA's form I was very close to getting all five points. My management time was 14% which is just under the requirement and I need to improve on. I can improve on that by having the equipment in better spots in the gym. Also, I could have had the students help reset the balls into the hoops better to cut down on time. My activity time was 48% which was off by 2%. I thought the activity time was one of my better components of my lesson because the students were moving a lot. I also should have had pedometers for the students in order to show them how much they were moving. For instruction time it was 36 % which reached the requirement but I still could have cut it down a little with speaking more clearly and using less words to avoid confusion. I believe that aspect will come with experience. Finally, the last one was waiting time which was 2% which seemed to be a strength of mine because the students were not standing around too much. In my own time record sheet I got 45% practice time when it should have been 70%. I was way off on that. I could have improved that by cutting down instruction by speaking clearly as said before. For lecture/demonstration it was 36% where it should have been 15%. I could have reached this number if I used more demonstrations instead of lecturing more. Demonstrations take less time for students to grip a topic or skill. Finally, I got 17% on the management when it was supposed to be 10 %. I could have lowered this number by having the balls placed back into the hula hoops after practice time was over and having the students help me with that. Overall, I thought I did well on the TA's time coding sheet but on the one I did, I did not reach any of the requirements.

Teacher Behavior Scale:
I thought this scale was a very useful tool to use. If I were to do one of these sheets for my lab B, it would have been terrible compared to my lab C one. In my lab C one, I gave four individual feedback that was positive and dealt with skills. I thought that this is a decent number and can improve to at least 3 more of those. When I was watching my video I noticed that I could have gave more feedback when I was walking around. I think I did not give feedback because I was thinking of what drill to do next and what to say next. Also, I gave five individual feedback that was corrective and also dealt with skills. Again I believe that I can increase this number by at least two. One thing that I noticed too with this sheet was that I barely gave any non-skill feedback. I think that this non-skill feedback could also be a way to check for understanding and re-enforce or make students feel good when they are doing the right thing. If I told a student that they are doing a good job listening then they most likely will continue listening and being a good student which will make things run smoother. This sheet was a different sheet than the rest but I believe this sheet helped me improve giving feedback to students. 

I have many goals regarding lab D. One goal of mine is to get all five points on my time coding sheet. I am going to maximize activity time in my lesson so that I make sure I get those two points for activity. Another goal of mine is to focus on safety statements and safety rules. Although my topic is stomping and isn't the most dangerous activity, I will still focus on safety statements. One last goal of mine is to have checks for understandings throughout my lesson instead of just at the beginning. I believe these checks for understandings help make the lesson run smoothly without any confusion on any drills.

Overall lab C was very fun. We got to do a whole curriculum on one activity which was very challenging. I thought the hardest part was the activity progression because it was hard to determine which activity was harder or easier than some others. I'm looking forward to lab D because I have researching stomping and it looks very fun to do and even more fun to teach.

Ryan's Lab C Reflection

Tinikling Grade 12

      I felt that Lab C was a success for everybody in our class.  I enjoyed Lab C because it introduced some more aspects of teaching to me. Such as dealing with behavior problems and also students that had issues with completing the activities. As I reviewed my own lesson I found that there were many things that I did very well, and of course there are also many things that I need to work on and can improve upon before Lab D.

C9 Form

TA Evaluation
My Evaluation

      When comparing the C9 form I received from the TA with the C9 form that I completed myself I found that there were not very many differences. I believe that this is because the TA did a fair job in evaluating me. One of the biggest mistakes that could be found in my lesson was that I didn't have a safety statement. This was a big mistake because if something went wrong during the class, and somebody ended up getting hurt, then it would be my fault for not informing the students how to stay safe during my lesson. Safety is the #1 most important thing in Physical Education and that is why including safety statements in my lessons is the most important part of teaching. Overall I only scored a 13.75 out of 19 on my C9 form, which is not where I want to be. I believe that the main reason I scored so low was because I am not very comfortable with Tinikling, or any kind of dancing. I spent most of my time thinking about the dance and demonstrating it and spent less time thinking about my lesson and what I was going to say. This is not an excuse it's just something that I need to work on in the future.

Time Coding

TA Evaluation
My Evaluation

      I scored a 4 out of 5 on my Time coding form which I completely agree with. The only point I lost was because I spent 23% of the lesson with management when it should be under 15%. To decrease the amount of management time in my lesson I could make sure that everything is laid out the way it needs to be before my lesson starts so that I don't need to move any equipment around during my lesson. 60% of my lesson was activity time, which I am very happy with because I exceeded the goal of 50%. It is important to have as much activity time as possible during the lesson because one of the main goals of Physical Education is to get students active during the school day.

C11 Form

My Evaluation

      Feedback is one of the most important parts of teaching because feedback is how you let a student know how they are doing at the activity, and what they need to work on to get better. While I was teaching I thought that I was doing a good job giving feedback, but after doing the C11 form I realize that there is much more that I need to do. One thing that I do well is using names, I used just about everybody's name during the class and I gave them individual feedback on how they were doing. However, I need to give more positive feedback because most of the feedback that I give is corrective only. I should tell the students that they are doing something really well, and then let them know that they should try to improve one specific part of the skill. This is important because the student can get discouraged if they think that they aren't doing anything right. Our goal should be to motivate the students to do the activity and we don't want to make them dislike any part of physical activity if possible.


      There are many things that I have improved upon from our progressions from Lab A to Lab B and now to Lab C. I believe that my voice is getting better, though I can still do a better job with being loud and clear. If we had had behavior issues during Lab B I don't believe that I would have handled it as well as I did in Lab C. I feel confident now that I can keep a lesson going smoothly even when there are students that are distracted or misbehaving. You have to be firm with misbehaving students, but at the same time you have to be able to keep them calm and get them back involved in the activity. Sometimes students misbehave because they are bored, and it is my job as the teacher to adapt the activities to make them more difficult or more interesting to each student.

Lab C Reflection Tinikling

Lab C Tinikling

Lab C had its ups and downs for me. My lesson was Tinikling and the age group I taught was 7th grade. After doing this lab I have realized a lot of things about my teaching abilities. I have learned what my flaws are and strengthens are and are now trying to work on improving in every way that I can. I was the first one to do Lab C in the class I wasn’t nervous until the minute before I started teaching. In the future I need to learn how to ignore these nerves and be more confident in my teaching abilities. Overall, I did have fun in this lab a was forced to learn and teach an activity I never heard of in my entire life. This in itself was a challenge to do but I believe I did master understanding the activity.

Time coding form: Student Time Coding, TA Time Coding

I received 1/5 total score on the time coding form.  I had 36% of management time, 33% of activity time, 31% of instruction time, and 0% of waiting time. I am not that happy with these percentages. As a physical educator I would like my lessons to be about 45% or more of activity time. Although the activity I taught was Tinikling with is a dance. I have to take into consideration that dance lesson do required a lot of instruction time. Student all have their own ability when it comes to any activity, dance is especially one of the actives that some students could understand faster than another student. One way I believe I could have improved my lesson would have been better time management and it could be seen in this time coding form. Management took over my time due to the fact I was not as prepared as I thought I was. I lost track of time and was unable to do some of the things I was planning to do. To improve my score on this time coding form for my next lab I will map out my lab completely before I present it and make sure the students are rigorously active.

C9 Form: Student C9, TA C9

My overall score of my C9 form was 14.25/19.  This score isn’t an amazing score but it isn’t horrible either. I lost points in areas that I shouldn’t of due to my poor time management ability during the lab. I started my lab off very well. I brought in the history of my activity which was Tinikling and I believe that was a great thing to do because I felt as if I caught the attention of the class when I seemed very knowledgeable about the activity. I believe my biggest flaw was that I did not follow the play-teach-play pattern. My activity was challenge I was teaching an intro lesson of a dance to a 7thgrade. As I look back at my lab I see areas where I could have done different. I would have had the student more active instead of me talking as much as I did. However, in a dancing lesson you need to speak a little more than you normally would because dancing has many parts to it. The C9 form helps me see what my weaknesses are and to think of was to fix them before Lab D.

Feedback  Analysis Form: Feedback Form

As I watched my video of my lesson and filed out the teacher behavior rating scale I saw a lot of little  things in my lesson that I did not see the first few times I watched it. I gave a total of 12 feedback's. 6 were positive feedback's and the other 6 were corrective feedback. I was very inconsistent with what type of feedback's I gave to the students. I also learned that I said a students name 8 times in my lesson. Although this is a high number but I just some names twice. This is something I as a teacher must work on. Through my entire lesson I gave the students 4 tasks to complete. I noticed through watching my video that some students experienced difficulty in some of the tasks. I did notice one of the students showing signs of difficulty and I assisted him individually. This form helped me see that when I teacher I need to make sure none of my students are having difficulties because if they are I must do my best to help them over come it. In the future I now know that I must focus on giving more feedback both positive and corrective. Also I must remember to give positive feedback before corrective feedback as we have learned in our class.

In the Future:

Throughout out this semester I have seen myself grow as a teacher. From Lab A to Lab B to Lab C I have learned many skills and ways to make myself the best teacher I can become. Even though my labs are not perfect they are helping me learn from my mistakes. Lab D is next and I am looking forward to this experience. I will take what I learned form my previous labs and make lab D the best I can make it. One thing that I know I have to work on before I present my lab D lesson is TIME MANAGEMENT! I feel confident I can do an outstanding lab in the future. Until then it is all about PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE!