Sunday, September 30, 2012

Lab B

Lab B was  a great experience for me because it showed me a lot about my teaching style and what have to work on and also parts of teaching that I'm comfortable in doing.

What I feel was important from the class that I learned was the positive feedback. That was important because Its a great way to show the students that you are paying attention to what they are doing. Also another important note that I learned in class is checking for understanding because as a teacher I am able to check if my students are understanding what they are suppose to be doing in the activity. This makes the students less confused and also makes me keep the activity organized.

Overall I believe I did a good job, but there is still rom for improvement and I cant wait for my next opportunity.

Time Analyis Use numbers in analysis for objectivity
  My time management was ok, but could of been better. My management and activity percentage was way off from where it should of been. I need to have my equipment prepared and ready for the students to use. That would help w my activity because I will be able to let the students perform the activity longer. The time management that I did well was the instruction and the waiting. These two parts I was able to manage well for the students. Time is a important factor that is important for teaching and I need to get better doing it.
  This sheet I believed was very important to me because it shows my weakness very clear and it tells me how I can work on it. Thins I have to work on are my eye contact because I stare at the ground a lot, also I need to speak slower because my teaching can sometimes get very confusing and hard to understand for the students. Also this sheet shows positives and that makes me feel good because I know what I can do well. I can't wait to see this form after next lab.
Peer Observer Form
  My peer observer form shows me very clear and the main parts I didn't perform in my lab. Some things I missed were my signal for attention which is very important in my introduction. Also I missed doing a demonstration which I believe was the most important part I had to perform. That is something I will have to work on for next time. This form is great because I get to see what I need to do for next time.
Verbal Transcription
  I love reading what I said because I can really see how I speak to the class and what confusing parts I can fix. In my video it was very hard to understand myself because I spoke so fast, so i will need to change that. Also I say um a lot because I get nervous and forget about things to say. I want to speak more clear for next time.
Lesson Plan
  I believed my lesson plan was very good because I had good detail and explained things I was doing well. Some things I will need to work on are my objectives because I need to make them more clear and more about the activity. Lesson plans are very important because I can be very organized with my teaching.

Goals for the next lab are that I will work on my eye contact because looking back on my video I was looking at the ground a lot and thats not a good way of displaying myself. Also like I said before I need to slow down and be more clear because I do cause a lot of confusion to the other students. Another goal is to perform my demonstration of the activity because it will show the students exactly what they will be doing. These are goals I want to work on my next lab.

What I feel was important from the class that I learned was the positive feedback. That was important because Its a great way to show the students that you are paying attention to what they are doing. Also another important note that I learned in class is checking for understanding because as a teacher I am able to check if my students are understanding what they are suppose to be doing in the activity. This makes the students less confused and also makes me keep the activity organized.

Overall I believe I did a good job, but there is still rom for improvement and I cant wait for my next opportunity.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Andrew Lab B

"Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy." ~ Norman Vincent Peale 

Time Analysis

Lab B: the Demo Lab. What I believe hurt me most was the time that we were given. (Try to start with the positive, 10 minutes is 10 minutes, focus on the pedagogy. I do not think the time hurt you, maybe your fear of running out of time may have affected you?)Ten minutes may feel like an eternity the night before but when your up there and planning ten minutes before and during the lesson, it is the quickest amount of time you will experience. Once it ends, you feel like its just getting started. I told myself all night and all morning that I was going to stick to the time plan but it never seems to work out that way. A lot of my time was spent explaining the rules and whatnot and there was not enough time for people to be active. 42% of my time was spent in the management phase, probably because of my belief in my abilities to quickly explain to everyone a game and have everyone understand it. 28% was in the activity phase which relates to the high management phase percentage. What about waiting time? Its hard to find a balance for me because I want to make sure everyone understands what's going on but at the same, I need to make sure everyone is moving. Balancing everything is key. In Chapter 10, it talks about anticipating time and how teachers should identify how much time they spend on each task. That is so big in Lab B because what you write down and plan, it changes in the real life scenario. You need to be prepared.


I feel like something that I did well going into Lab B was keeping my nerves in check. Everyone gets nervous, some at a higher level than others. I feel as though I am on a low level of nervousness coming into presentations especially Lab B because in my opinion, i don't believe the group of students your presenting yourself to, especially our 255 class, would be disrespectful towards a fellow peer. That may have happened in high school but I feel college students are way more mature and respectful towards people presenting because they know deep down they wouldn't want the same to happen to them. This helped the flow of my lesson in my opinion as that was one of the positives in my lesson. In Chapter 10, it also has a section called all-class activity. I struggled with this as well because it states that a class should be active for at least half of the class. This refers to Time Management. Struggling with time means that this was effected as well since I couldn't plan on the spot how things were going to go. I also need to work on my visual aid appearance, they were very hard to see from across the gym. Do not forget to discuss the lower part of C9. You as a teacher and professional. What are the strengths and weaknesses?


When I was looking at my verbal transcript and my video, I realized that I talked way too much. This all ties into the time management form, my management phase was way too high because I felt like I needed to make sure everyone understood what was going on, which took up way too much time. I know I gave positive feedback to the class when they were dribbling in and out of cones but I couldn't make out what I said so I left it out of my transcript.Did you give specific feedback as well? Examples?

Peer Observer Form and Lesson Plan

I seemed to hit all of the points. Some things (use different word) on the peer observer form that I could work on would be the demonstration. It's kind of strange in a way that I talked too much and had way too much time in the management phase of my time analysis form but I need more demos.(try to combine talking and demos and use active demos, students do it with you) It's all about balancing each aspect of teaching and that is something I will have to work on for Lab C. My lesson plan was really smooth and fine tuned as it stated everything I had to do and the times I was going to give myself but it never seems to work out the way you want it.

Overall, I think I did a solid job. Practicing more would help me a lot because it will get me to grasp the whole idea of time management but hopefully, Lab C is more than 10 minutes.

Goals for Lab C
add a few goals here Andrew

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

How to upload pictures, videos and files in your blog

Lab B directions to adding content to your blog posts
Uploading Picture:
  • Click the picture icon
  • Click picasa albums
  • Find your picture in the album I shared with you
  • Click the correct picture and add it

Uploading a Video: 
  • Click the video icon
  • Click youtube
  • Search for your video (check our site first to see what your video is called)
  • If you can't find it, get the link from our youtube site and insert it that way

Inserting a file: 
  • Google comes with a great document sharing program called "google docs" or now "google drive" 
  • You can install google drive for free on your desktop so whenever you put something in google drive you will be able to see it online as well. 
  • Once you type in your final lesson plan in our template, you can share it to your google drive. 
  • two ways: 
    • If you installed google drive you just put it in that folder
    • If you have not installed google drive you go to google drive online and upload the document from there. 
  • Go to the document in google drive (online) 
  • Click the share button
  • Click who has access and change the setting from private to anyone with a link can view it.
  • Click Save and Copy the URL of the lesson plan
  • Type in Lesson Plan, highlight it and click LINK
  • Paste the link inside the web address box
  • Click "test the link" to see if it works
  • Click "open in new window" 
  • Save and you should see a hyperlinked document: 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Lab A

Although Lab A was really nerve wrecking, I thought everybody did well. I noticed i said "um" a lot all through my presentation but I think that will get better with more practice of speaking in front of people.I tried to show a prop that was different and new that would intrigue children because I thought that would capture their attention. I thought the rest of the class did great with that as well (oven mitt, fly swatter ect...) One more thing I think I can work on is speaking louder especially in the gym so everyone can hear me. For Lab B I will try to be less nerveous and speak more slowly and clearly. The more I pratice theese things Im sure It will add to the overall outcome of all the Labs. 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Gregory MacDonald

I was extremely enthused about the opportunity of presenting in from of the class for lab A. Although I was scared to death at the original though of it I was pleased with how I performed. The most important thing for me to remember and to improve on is to remain relaxed and not fill up space with fullers like “umm.” One major connection between chapter 4 and what I had experienced was to “Orient the Learner.” What this is essentially, is providing the class with and agenda similar to what we do in class and the reason for this is. “People feel more comfortable if they know in advance what they will be doing and, in some cases why they will be doing it. Personally this is a skill that I intend to involve in every one of my future classes because as a student it is much easier on the mind to know what is coming up and this way there are no surprises. Another connection with chapter 4 was “Student Preoccupation with Other Environmental Factors” summed up what this means is that students get distracted by their surroundings and are not focused on you. Although we were an older group we all left our things behind when listening to everyone elses presentations to give them our undivided attention. By doing this we cut out any possibility of being distracted and this can be vital to the elementary levels on teaching and even high school. This is something to keep in mind when teaching to maby explain the game or skill before the students are allowed to grab any equipment. Overall, I felt very confident in my performance and even better in the second one when I corrected my eye contact and was able to gather my thoughts better than the first time. I am looking forward to becoming very confident as a teacher and holding my students attention!

Lab A Paul Reflection

Going into Lab A I wasn't very nervous because I feel like I prepared myself well and knew how I was going to present myself to everyone. When I began my introduction I talked way to fast and didn’t do my best to tell my audience what I was explaining to do. What I should of done and chapter 4 always tell me this was that I should check for understand with my students. I should of asked questions and got feedback from my students to make sure they understood what  I told them. Also what I did wrong was that my introduction was shorter than everyone else which means I was inefficient with my time which is told in chapter 4. I need to use the time I have and explain myself the best way possible because I want everyone around me to know what  were doing and not miss out on any important information. After this first lab I realize that I have a lot to work on but I’m not worried because I can only get better from where I started. This is the first step in teaching and I cant wait to keep it going and learn more and more.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Lab A John


I believe Lab A was successful overall because everyone didn't just present well but everyone was able to learn and improve for future presentations. Since I was the last presentation of the lab, I think I really benefited from watching everyone else go before I did. However, I still made some mistakes that I know I can improve on such as eye contact with everyone and speaking slower. I felt comfortable speaking infront of the group overall which is important because I felt more confident. Showing examples of how I wanted the students to do the skill and examples of the wrong way to do the skill is a good way for the students to understand the task according to Chapter 4. I think I did that with dribbling but I could have done that with each skill I presented. Asking students questions is another good tip from chapter 4 so as the teacher you know what the students understand and don't understand. Adding this to my presentation will help me better understand how to go on with the lesson. I had a lot of fun with lab A and learning from my own and others mistakes will help me with future presentations.

Lab A Andrew

I was pretty focused going into Lab A even with minimal teaching experience. I felt like my performance was alright at best but I felt like there were things that could have been better. I took up way too much time with the first presentation and I wasn't quite prepared for either one. I kicked myself for referring to the class as "guys" because I feel that is a mistake I shouldn't make. I did however feel that I established my signals and procedures with the class well enough in my first attempt but according to Chapter 4 in the text, I should make a routine to begin class so the students know when its time to begin. I also feel that my communication with the class was pretty good when giving the class some instructions on what to do, referring to Chapter 4 as well. Being over my ideal weight and having a harder time when it comes to participating in physical activity for long periods of time, I hold myself to a higher standard when it comes to teaching so I feel that Lab A was good but there is always room for improvements.

Tyler's Lab A Reflection

Overall, I thought that Lab A was a success as a whole. Lab A required us to introduce our self, hook the class with enthusiasm, a signal of attention and what to expect for the class. I thought this was a great way to start our first teaching assignment. It wasn't too long and it was a great to get comfortable teaching in front of each other. We even got to practice with a small group before we actually started too, which helped me calm my nerves. During my Lab, I forgot my signal of attention and I planned on using a whistle for mine and it was around my neck.This was definitely the weakness of mine. Then Dr. B challenged us to switch our signal of attentions up on the spot. I thought my signal of attention on the spot was creative and students of the younger age would have liked it. A strength of mine I thought was that I spoke pretty clear and kept the students interested by involving them with the fly swatter. I also enjoyed our teacher assistants and peers giving us feedback right away. Lab A was a fun way to start, and I'm looking forward to the next teaching assignment.

In chapter 4, there are a lot of things that our class came across. One thing I noticed in the chapter was that in the signals section, they talked about whistles. In our class quite a bit of the students used a whistle for there signal of attention including myself. In the book they said a whistle in a smaller area creates an "undesired atmosphere". Now that I think about it, a whistle signifies a coach at a practice or a driller. This could scare away students from being comfortable in a physical education class. Another thing I noticed in the chapter was to set induction. This means to tell the students what they will be doing in the class that day. In class we were told to tell the expectations but I guess I never understood the reason for it. In the book it discussed the reason being it allows students to relate each activity as a whole. In my Lab A, I wasn't as specific as I good have been on giving expectations and next time I will improve that. Chapter 4 is a great chapter to read to better your teaching skills as many of the chapters will be.

Amanda's Lab A Reflection

"If you can hear me clap once!"

On Friday we did our first lab in 255. Overall I believer everyone did a great job for it being the first time we all spoke in front of one another. Lab A was short and simple but at the same time nerve-racking.  In the lab we were all required to have an introduction, signal for attention, expectations and a hook. Once everyone presented Dr. B challenged us to present again and to change some things around like our signal for attention. I believe everyone had their strengths and weakness in their presentations. In my presentation my strong was signal for attention and expectation statement.  My weakness was my hook the first time I presented my hook was not that clear however the seconded time I presented I changed some parts of my lab and made a more distinct hook.  I also was required to change my signal for attention in my second presentation so I choose to use clapping as my signal “If you hear me clap once, clap twice, clap ten times.” I personally was very nervous the second time around because I had to make changes to my presentation. However, in the end this was a great challenge because as a teacher you never know what might happen and how you might have to change your lesson to fix the problem at hand.

In Chapter 4 of our textbook it talks about the qualities of a good task presentation. In one section of the chapter getting the attention of a learner is spoke about. Almost everyone in the class used a whistle to get the attention of their leaner’s. However, in the text it says that a whistle should only be used in a large playing area. It gives many examples of other ways to grab the student’s attention. When Dr. B challenged us to think of a new signal of attention I was very nervous because I did not no what to use but after I thought about it there are many other simple ways to get the attention of the student. Another section in this chapter talks about making the presentation personal and checking for understanding. In my presentation I made sure to tie in the age of my students with the expectations I expected from them in the beginning and end of the lesson.  Throughout my presentation I did not once check for understanding. In the chapter it says checking for understand can avoid wasting time re-explaining the lesson if they simply just check for feedback from the students. Chapter 4 has many qualities that are needed in Lab A to ensure your presentation goes as smooth as you would like it to.

Liz's Lab A Reflection

        Overall, I believe Lab A went very well for everyone.  Every student had an introduction, signal for attention, statement about expectations, and a hook. When Dr. B gave us the challenge to change our signal for attention everyone responded very well. Personally, I think I had some strong points in my presentation as well as some weaknesses. I think my voice was clear and loud and my demo was something my observers loved. My weakness occured when given the challenge to switch up our presentation. I became nervous because I wasn't as prepared and felt a little all over the place. This challenge was a good idea though because there will be times when we need to think on our feet and come up with a new plan. 

"I need eyes and ears focused on me."
In Chapter 4, there is a section about establishing a signal and getting the attention of your students. Everyone in class had a clear signal of attention and was able to hold our interest. Most of the class used a whistle for their signal. I do think a whistle can be effective but at the same time it can have a negative reaction. Something like a clap or turning music on or off or even just putting your hand in the air are other signals that are just as effective as using a whistle. Another important section in Chapter 4 talks about checking for understanding. I noticed that I didn't do this in my presentation. It is important to ask the students if they have any questions after you give them a set of instructions. You should also ask them what the specific instructions were just to double check that they fully understand what is going on. Chapter 4 hits on many important parts of presenting yourself and an activity to students just like we did in Lab A. 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Lab A Ryan

Overall I felt that lab A went pretty good. Of course there are many things that I need to work on, but I feel that this was a very good start for me. According to my peers and my TA I need to be more specific with my expectations for the students. I agree with this feedback because I was very broad in that aspect of lab A. According to chapter 4, the whistle should not be relied on in a small class. I agree with this, and I could have had a better signal for attention than my whistle. Chapter 4 also says that demonstrations should be accurate because students will try to reproduce the movement that they see in a demonstration. I feel that my demonstration of juggling portrayed the correct way to juggle, so the students would be able to reproduce the movement correctly after practice. Lab A was a great learning experience, and it was very good practice for lab B, and will come in handy as I prepare for lab B.

Lab A Rachel

Yesterday was our first lab for EDU 255!!! My first teaching experience here at Cortland!! I felt I did ok, I can definitely improve. From what I got back from my observers and my TA, is that I could be a little louder, I could connect that to what is mentioned in chapter 4, in the paragraph under inability to hear or see. If my students can't hear me when I am teaching, it will waste time during class if I have to repeat myself just because I am not loud enough. Another thing that I need to work on is to not be so nervous! I need to slow down and just realize there is nothing to be nervous about, this is what I want to do and what I love. In chapter 4, under establishing signals and procedures it talks about how a whistle is useful in large play areas but should not be relied on in a smaller play area. Yesterday I used the whistle my first time, but then the second time I just used a clap and raising of a hand. I could of been more creative the second time like Tyler using moose. In chapter 4 under the paragraph where it says to use students to demonstrate when appropriate, I feel like I could of used the students more, involved them more. Instead of just asking them what I was doing, I could of had them do it. I could of had them reach into the bucket and see the form of their arm. What I learned in lab A will definitely help me in lab B, I need to be more loud, not to be nervous and not to use "UM". Overall I believe that everyone did very well, remember everyone, we can only do better from here!