Friday, October 11, 2013

Mike Cantelli Lab B- Rhythmic Gymnastics

I helped my students learn about rhythmic gymnastics and ribbons in a couple of different ways. I made a cue card to help the students understand how to perform each ribbon technique. Along with the cue card, I also explained to them verbally how to perform each technique and gave them a demonstration. In this lesson the students learned two different ribbon techniques. The two techniques are the snake technique and the spiral technique. In the lab there were six students that were being taught the two different techniques. After I explained and demonstrated how to do each technique each person got a partner and practiced the two types of techniques. While one person practiced the technique, their partner watched and tried helping and correcting them so they did the technique the right way. The class picked up the different techniques fairly quickly. There were a few students who had trouble at first but eventually after a few tries they were doing each technique with no problem. I believe that one thing that was challenging was actually finding an activity to include the use of ribbons. Its hard to use ribbons and stay active and constantly moving with your legs without the students having prior knowledge of gymnastics techniques.

I felt that my students definitely learned some new things about gymnastics. When people think of gymnastics the first thing to come to mind are different stunts and different types of events and not ribbons. I feel this lesson gave the students a new outlook on gymnastics and i feel they learned about a different type of gymnastics they never realized before. I feel the lesson as a whole went very well because it seemed like all the students were having fun. Starting with the instant activity all the way till the end when we stopped using the ribbons it seemed like the students were having a good time and I think they would all agree.

My lesson was on rhythmic gymnastic which is one of the four types of gymnastics. I chose to teach ribbons because we were not in the gymnasium and we couldn't go over floor routines on the hardwood floor. I also felt that ribbons would be easier to understand and had more to do with gymnastics than hoola-hoops. I taught my lesson the way I did because i thought is was the most efficient way to get the students not only involved physically but also mentally. Having the opportunity to not only perform the different techniques but also watch and help their partner become more efficient at the techniques. One thing i learned about myself is i can cut down on saying certain words such as okay, yea, and alright. When watching the video i realized how many times i say the same words and the same phrases. I decided what to do and what to do next when i created my lesson plan. The lesson plan laid out what what to do and when, this way i wasn't just improvising the entire time.

In this lesson the students learned many things. Other than the new ribbon skills they learned that there are different types of gymnastics. One of the types was used in this lesson and now in the next lesson another type will be used. For the next class I definitely need to get the student a little more active. In this lab they were only moving their arms. In the next lesson I would like to get them moving around in different spots more. Another thing I need to work on is making sure the class understands the objectives of the class and also making sure they know what my signal for attention is. In this lab I sometimes blew my whistle and sometimes just told the students to stop. One thing I did better since the last lab was not saying guys. I also thought there were times when i could have been a little more clear and well spoken. 


                        In this picture I am explaining to the class the cues to the spiral and snake techniques.



                                                      Check out my lab B video here. Enjoy!


  1. Mike, I believe that you did a great job with your lab B. You were very confident, and knew what you were teaching, also talked very clearly and loudly. While you were teaching you gave great feedback to your students, but next time you teach in lab C try to walk around to your students and give them feedback that way instead of staying in front of the whole class and shouting out to them from afar. Also instead of partnering up the students, have everyone be participating instead of them giving each other feedback, since it was something we haven't done before. Overall, great job with your lesson I enjoyed it!

  2. Mike, you did a good job during this lab. You gave good feedback to each student while they were doing the activities. I liked the fact that you challenged us if you saw we were doing the initial activity with ease. A couple of things though would walk around more. Try to get more personal with your students by going up to them and fixing things instead of shouting to them. Also, for this you could have added music in the background just to add a little more to your lesson. Overall, good job and keep up the good work.

  3. Mike,
    Good work during this lab. I had fun with it and it actually was quite the arm workout. During the lesson you kept a constant eye on all the students and continued to give constructive feedback to everyone. One suggestion I would have is to try to demonstrate with the students how to do the skill instead of just saying cues to them. Good job and good luck in lab C

  4. Mike,

    Good job with lab B. Your voice was very clear and was loud so that your students could hear you. Just a few things to work on, move around more during your teaching this provides opportunity for feedback. Also have more tasks in your lesson so that it stays exciting. Lastly have more of your students active during your lesson, you could of had everyone trying the different techniques at the same time. Keep up the good work.


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