My topic was Mind and Body Activities and after my experience with Lab A I felt a lot more comfortable with the topic. I had already done some research on the topic when I was trying to come up with an instant activity so I already had some basic knowledge. I chose a freeze tag game as my instant activity because it is something that the students are familiar with and I knew I could incorporate my topic into it well and get the students heart rates up. For my lesson, I chose to teach three different poses that I thought would challenge the students, but could also be modified for students who struggled with them. The plank was a good pose because mostly everyone was familiar with it and after I saw that I was able to change it up to make it more difficult. The camel pose worked well because it challenged students without any modifications, and the full boat challenged almost every student in the group. I think this was a good way to go about teaching the lesson because they started with something familiar and progressively got to more challenging tasks.
When I first taught this topic in Lab A I felt a bit intimidated, I wasn't sure that I had the necessary knowledge to be directing the students in the activity, but this time was completely different. I came in feeling confident and ready to take control of the class and lead them through my lesson. Throughout the lesson I felt prepared and in control, I knew exactly what I wanted to do and I was able to modify student's form and give them feedback. I was happy to see that the students were engaging in the lesson and really trying the best they could to do what I asked; it made me feel like I had really generated some interest among the group.
I was a little disappointed when I first got back my C 10 form and saw that only 40.7% of my lesson was activity. After reviewing the video of the lesson though I felt a lot better about it. I could see that there were some minor things I could have done to create some more activity; I think I rushed a little bit through the activity part to make sure that I could teach everything that I wanted to. I could have definitely let my instant activity run a little longer but my explanation needs to be more concise and to the point. As for the actual instruction portion of the lesson I think I spoke an appropriate amount but I could have given them more time to perform the exercises and that would have given me more time to give feedback.
Lab B was an extremely positive experience for me; I feel that I definitely grew as a teacher from this experience. I still have improvements to make, but I feel good about the way the lesson as a whole went. My ability to give feedback was one of my biggest improvements this time around I was able to recognize some flaws in form and correct them quickly and easily. "Teacher feedback maintains student focus on the learning task and serves to motivate and monitor student responses" (Rink 139). I think this played a big part in the student's interest in the lesson, because I was constantly interacting with them and trying to help them improve they wanted to keep going and getting better. I definitely have to work on gender neutral language when teaching, I referred to the group as "guys" a few times and even though I was able to catch myself and correct myself a few times it is still unfair to the ladies in the class. For Lab C I intend on making good use of my time and getting maximum activity time for my students.
Here I am demonstrating the proper form of a plank to the students
This is a video of me teaching Mind and Body Activities for Lab B
ReplyDeleteGreat job today I really liked the way you arranged your students in front of you. This allowed you to participate with your students while giving feedback at the same time. One thing I think you could work on is not saying guys. It is a very tough habit to break but you can do it. Other than that great job! Good luck in lab C.
Joe, I agree with Abbie on you being in front of the class and participating during most of it was really good. You also did the poses in many different angles. I felt like you noticed that you have too much time left to finish your lesson, so you made the end into a game. That was good. Always need to be on your toes, for incidents like those.
ReplyDeleteI thought your lesson was good, as for the activity time being low and instruction time was so much, try instructing while they are doing the task. With your topic you could do that, for instance you could go part by part and then after you all go through it, you could have them practice and this is where you would go around and give feedback.