Thursday, October 10, 2013

Dylan Everleth Lab B Track and Field

Dylan Everleth Lab B- Track and Field

For lab B my instant activity was "Rock, Paper, Scissors." The reason I decided to choose this activity was to get students involved with an activity that could give them a sense of competition. My focus for this lab was "shot put" and to me, this activity doesn't involve a lot of competition. I felt that when students are put in a situation, they tend to perform at a higher level. What better reason than to add competition to the warm-up. In the activity, students would compete in a game of "Rock, Paper, Scissors" and whoever won, would choose an exercise to perform and get warmed up. The winner would move on to a new student and the loser would stay and wait for the next challenger. I felt I did a good job at incorporating an activity that could give the students a sense of competition even though the particular focus for the day did not. I felt that I did a good job and giving positive feedback to the students and I also felt that I was very knowledgeable in the unit I was teaching. Although I was very nervous coming into the lesson, I felt that I was a lot more comfortable in front of the class and I felt that I projected my voice much better than in the previous lab.

When I came into lab, I still felt nervous. I had learned a lot from Lab A but Lab B was much longer and the addition of transitions, demonstration, and feedback had me nervous that I would fail. As I started the class, I did everything that I had planned out ahead of time. Once the activities started, I was very caught up in giving feedback to the students because I felt it was one of the most important things about teaching. As I began giving feedback, I noticed that I was only giving compliments. As the lesson continued, I started to panic. As I was giving great feedback, but I couldn't come up with any type of feedback to help the students improve. To me, positive feedback is important, but corrective feedback is what helps them improve. Without correcting and helping students to achieve perfection, they will continue to demonstrate bad practice. When I look back at this, I feel that it was something that could be easily fixed. As a teacher, I was giving every other type of feedback and I was very knowledgeable in what I was teaching. I had all the right pieces but I just need to put these together and help the students be great.

Being a prepared teacher and actually looking into depth and breaking down the students skills is very important when trying to give corrective feedback. Its very important to come into the lesson knowing exactly what your going to be teaching and knowing exactly what goals you want your students to shoot for. When you can do this, you will be able to see what students excel in and what the need to improve on. As stated in the text, "Concern for quality of student performance can be exhibited by teacher feedback to the class or individual students about how they are performing." (Rink 2010 P84) This is important because it also shows the students that you are here to make them better. As a teacher, you want your students to know that you are here to make them as great as they can be. This will give them confidence in what they do knowing that you will help guide them in the right direction. I think that by providing students with a higher difficulty task to challenge the students, it will help identify some of the weaknesses that students need to focus on and help with providing more corrective feedback.

For my next lab I am going to really challenge my students. I think that a big problem with some physical education classes is that teachers don't challenge students enough based on their age or ability. High school students should really be challenged in class. Most students are already proficient in basic skills which makes giving feedback that much harder when they are doing a simple task. For the next lab I am really going to put the students into a task situation that may help uncover what areas the students need to work on and help me with giving better corrective feedback. I think that giving the right feedback is one of the most challenging things with teaching and it may  not come easy right away. I believe that if I keep trying to improve on it each and every time I teach, then I will get to where I was to be as a teacher.

Here I am explaining to instant activity for the day!

In this photo, I am demonstrating the first cue for 
throwing a shot put. "Tight to the chin!"


  1. Your confidence has improved a lot since lab A. your eye contact and body language was good. there was very little standing around and everyone was participating.

  2. Dylan,
    Great improvement from the first lab! I thought you had a solid lesson planned out. One thing I enjoyed was seeing how you paired students up. It was very creative and a good, quick transition into the instant activity. I also liked your cues as well. A suggestion to work on is to really challenge your students. At times students get bored and then they can get off task during class.


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