Thursday, October 10, 2013

Gideon Raucci Aerobic Kickboxing Lab B

What?  I started with an Instant Activity for the students to get loosened up.  Already I played music and got the students to do Aerobic Kickboxing with me.  I planned to give the students a little taste of all the basic moves that were going to be taught later on in Lab C.  After the Instant Activity, I offered students the knowledge of what target heart rate zone they should aim for based on their age and to be at a 85% activity level.  Then I went on to teach them the 4 cues.  The Double Jab, Punch, Low Kick, and Front Kick.  From there we made combinations.  Double Jab then a Punch.  Next Combo was Double Jab then a Punch and then a Low Kick.  After that, the students demonstrated a Double Jab, then a Punch and then a Front KickStudents understood the cues pretty well, its just that all of them had to be reminded of the little nitty gritty specific movements that had to be done while executing the full move.  When they were told to switch sides, some had to be more so reminded on the specific movements to execute the full move.  Then we played the music again and used all the moves and combos that were taught in class.  After that, students recorded their heart rate for week one.  Next time they come to class, they'll record in class for week two and see the differences between week one and two for their heart rate.  I believe students had a lot of fun with this.  I think the activity itself just demands a lot of energy and fun so it doesn't make me worry about that.  

Gut?  Just like Lab A, I always am willing to give unconditional energy into this activity.  I energy I bring out gives almost an adrenaline rush like I'm ready for a competitive game.  I felt prepared, happy for the most part, and wanted to bring joy to the students.  Until I had a music malfunction, then I veered off from being professional.  I practiced so much how things were gonna work out, when the music malfunction I froze and lost a lot of control.  I let the music really control my rhythm of things.  My timing, the moves I wanted to execute, even just my thought pattern of what we were going to do next.  I practiced to the point where I wasn't thinking of the transition to make, but this time I did.  In Maslow's Law, I felt I was more focused on my survival mode for myself rather than still being in that creative giving mode, to offer my creativity to the students.  Students wanted to help me out on forgetting about the music and just keep on going which I was grateful for but then I started to feel a bit embarrassed.  Even though Aerobic Kickboxing is a very fun activity in it of itself, I felt that out of my immaturity, I didn't give good enough feedback or payed attention to my students enough compared to how I should.  This humbly brings me to emotionally and mentally prepare for Lab C, for what ever happens, I should always be calm, cool, and collected with times like this challenges me.

SoWhat?  The point of this lesson is to offer a perspective or an opportunity that students can do another different activity helping their cardiovascular endurance rather than the normal running or walking.  And also for them to learn how to defend themselves if they were ever cornered in a real fight.  I had a lot of confidence in myself to teach the moves specifically how it should be executed.  Once it came to that malfunction, I resorted to thinking too much on what I needed to do rather than what the students needed help on.  I need to give more accurate constructive feedback whether students are doing well or not, that way they know why they were doing something wrong or doing something right.  I should also find something to compliment the class on what they have all been successful on so everyone could feel secure as a bonding unit.  

NowWhat?  For this upcoming Lab C, I would be more mentally and emotionally prepared for anything that happens.  The music that I choose will not be online anymore.  I would have to burn a disc and put it in my laptop, that way a malfunction doesn't happen again.  Also for the transitioning from Instant Activity to teaching to playing will be a lot smoother than what I did on Lab B.  I will remind the class what moves they have learned, execute them, then learn different moves and combos for next class. Watch my video above


  1. Gideon,
    I thought you did a great job with your lesson. Your enthusiasm when you teach is what every teacher should have. You show great pride in your lessons and I admire that. One piece of advice that I would give you is if for some reason your equipment (music) fails, just forget about it and move on. As a teacher you should improvise and limit the time of standing around. this was a very tough situation to be put in and I myself, may not of handled the situation well. I thought you did a great job of catching back up and your lesson was great. Keep up the good work!

  2. As far as music goes Gideon, you can use an ipod if you have one and get the ipod speaker from Penny. If you have a CD, she also has a CD player you can use.

  3. Gideon I thought you did a great job. I love how enthusiastic you are it definitely helps everyone feel comfortable with that activity. It makes everyone excited to see what you are going to do next. One piece of advice I would give you is if something goes wrong with your lesson just keep going, things happen and all you can do is continue with whatever you have planned.

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  5. Gideon.

    I really enjoyed you lesson, it kept us moving the whole class and your enthusiasm is something i defiantly envy. Next time if you want to use music I would recommend using something more reliable like a cd, tape or ipod. Another recommendation I have is when your having the students do an activity like towards the end when you were calling out different skills, like the double jab punch, then low kick, front kick, walk around more dont stand in the front demonstrating it. Walk around getting different angles to make sure the students are executing correctly

  6. Gideon,
    Just like your peers have told you, your enthusiasm has been great so far. When a malfunction happens such as your music in lab B, you should be able to improvise without the music. Your students were waiting around while you attempted to fix it which results in lost time. A suggestion to your teaching would be to give more specific feedback to individuals.


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