Sunday, October 7, 2012

Amanda Lab B

Throwing and Catching

         Overall the whole class did a great job in their lab B's. I personally feel I had my strengths and weaknesses in my lab. I feel like I had a good instant activity it involved my skill in a different way then most people involved theirs. I incorporated my skill with connecting it with working on the student’s flexibility. Another strength of my lab I believe was the various demonstrations I used for my skill with was throwing and catching in softball. As we talked about in class a good lesson should involve 3 different demos from full speed, various angles, and common flaws. Turning to my weaknesses in my lab I would say my voice was not that clear or loud enough to hear at time.

         On my C9 I was told i said the work "um" many times. As we talked about in class using the word "um" is a cover up to think what to say next. I believe to work on this problem for myself and anyone else who has this problem is to practice you lesson and think of everyone word you would like to say before you actually present it to your class. Another weaknesses I had is that I completely forgot to state my safety statement. This is a big problem that I have to personally work on. I believe my nerves took the best of me in this lab and I forgot a lot of things I wanted to say.

Time Analysis
The time analysis was used to help see how much of our lab you were instructing, the students waiting or doing an activity. On my time analysis my student were only waiting 20% of the time. However, I was giving instructions for must the time. In a physical education class you want the student to be active most of the time. In my next lab my goal will be to increase the amount of time the students are doing an activity.

 Verbal Transcript
As I watched my Lab B and wrote out the transcript of my lab, I released that I said the word “um” a lot.  The word “um’ as I said before is used when your are trying to think of what to say next. I also learned from making my transcript that I spoke a little to fast and at times it was hard to understand what I was saying. I was mumbling at times and this was probably due to my nerves. By watching myself teach I’ve learned that I need to take a deep breath before I teach and relax. If I am nervous when I teach what I want to say will not come out clear enough to understand. As a teaching you need your students to understand what you are teaching or else your lesson will not work.

Peer Observation
            In the peer observation report we were given I was told that I did a good job in structuring my lab. However this report pointed out all the things I did and didn’t do in my lab. I was told I forgot the safety statement, which was pointed out in the other reports I was given. My observer told me that my voice was a little unclear and to low. After watching the video of my lab I agree with my observer. The peer observer report gave me some great constructive feedback that I will use to improve myself for Lab C.
Goal for Lab C
         For Lab C my goal will be to structure my lab before I even present it and practice it so I am positive of everything I am going to say. I will also work my time better and make sure each activity has enough time to be played. Lab C has a lot more work then Lab B however I believe Lab B helped me prepare myself and get the feel of teaching for that long of a period of time. I am excited to see what lesson I will be teaching for my next lab and I will use all the criticism given to me in my C9 to the best of my advantage.

My Complete Lesson Plan
Part of my Lab B due to technical difficulties


  1. Amanda,

    You did an excellent job in lab B, and displayed congruency with the activities and your cues. Another strong point of yours was keeping the class in your sight at all times and offering a challenge to the class in your first activity if we were up to it. Great job, looking forward to seeing your progression in lab C!

  2. Amanda,

    Just how you noticed you said, "um" a lot, I found that I used the phrase "all right" way too much. I agree that we use these words or phrases to fill time before we go to what we are saying next. It is important that we practice our labs and become comfortable speaking without using these filler words. Overall I thought your Lab B went very well and your instant activity really got me moving and ready to go for the day!

  3. Amanda,

    You made big improvements since lab a! The only big thing that I noticed was that you still seem very nervous to be teaching. Try and take a deep breath before you teach to relax, it might help. The other little thing was transitions/being ready. Make sure all your equipment is out and ready to go and it will make the transitions a little smoother.


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