Thursday, December 5, 2013

Mike Cantelli Lab D

WHAT - In lab D I helped my students learn in a few different ways. For my part of the lesson I taught the students the different ways to shoot in a tchoukball game. One tool that I used to help the students learn was a cue card that had the cues to shoot the ball. Also, when the students were going through the shooting drill, I would stop the drill and help fix any problems they had with the skill. There were also a number of times where I would stop the drill to help the students better understand the best way to shoot and score a point. During my lesson the students learned not only how to shoot, but how to rebound the ball off the frame and the most effective way to score a point. We started the lesson with a three man weave where the students learned different ways to pass the ball. After this drill the students learned how to shoot and the different types of shots. This was followed by half court 3 vs 3 games of tchoukball and a full court 6 vs 6 game with the entire class. As the class progressed you could see their understanding of the game get better and better. They found better ways to score the ball and keep the defense moving. A challenging part of the lesson was keeping control during gameplay. During the game the students were very involved and having a lot of fun. However, there were many opportunities where we should have stopped the game to correct certain mistakes made by the students so the game could be played even smoother.

GUT - I felt that throughout the lesson the students were continuously learning and developing their skills. With each drill the students were learning more and more about the game and getting a better understanding of the game. I felt the lesson as a whole went extremely well. In each part of the lesson the students were not only enjoying playing the game, but also learning new ways to play the game and be successful. You could tell just by looking at the students and the way they were participating that they all enjoyed the lesson. In every segment students were smiling, laughing and interacting with each other all while they were learning the game of tchoukball. When the students started playing the full court game I could tell that we had a very successful lesson. Students were using communication the entire time which was one of our main goals for the class. The students were also understanding the conceits of the game and showing that they truly had learned something throughout the lesson.

SO WHAT - The students learned the different shots and passes this way when they started game okay they would be able to be successful right away. We formed our lesson the way we did because we wanted the students to get an opportunity to get comfortable with all facets of the game. We felt passing and shooting were extremely key in helping the students understand how to use teamwork and score points. From this lesson I learned that when splitting the class into groups, smaller can often times be better this way the students are always active. During my part of the lesson, at first I only had one group and not all of the students were active. Once we realized this we changes it into two groups so all the students were active and practicing shooting. I decided what I was going to do next by seeing how the students were progressing with their shooting. I saw that the students had a firm grasp of how to shoot, so I introduced to them different ways of scoring the ball such as the jump shot and the alley oop.

NOW WHAT - Now that we have gone through all of the labs, I feel that I have grown as a teacher. I definitely still have a lot to learn, but i feel that i have learned a tremendous amount in 255 and all of these labs. Some things that I can work on is making sure that I state objectives for the class and remembering to include safety statements  and my signal for attention. Another thing to watch out for is saying guys this way the females in the class don't feel excluded. I also believe that I can be more educated on games that I am not familiar with so when I teach it to the class I know what I am talking about.

REFLECTION - When we started with lab A I was definitely nervous. I wasn't quite sure how to come up with an instant activity for a triathlon. I also didn't want to mess up what  I had to say to the class and seem unprepared. As we went to lab B i felt much more comfortable than in lab A with what I had to say. However I wasn't quite sure how to make a lesson for rhythmic gymnastics. In lab C i felt much more prepared to teach, however I didn't emphasize safety as much as I should have which is very important. I feel that lab D was my best lab because I spoke very clearly, I knew what I was talking about, and I gave feedback multiple times throughout my part of the lesson. I also was very interactive with the class trying to help them better understand tchoukball. Lab D being in a group helped out a lot and I feel that the whole group felt much more comfortable when teaching.
 In this photo I am demonstrating to the class how to throw the ball at the rebounding frame.
In this photo I am explaining to the class how to do the shooting drill correctly.


  1. Mike, I thought you did a great job in your lesson. You improved a lot from your lab C. You seemed more confident and into your teaching in lab D. I really enjoyed the activity that you chose to do. You really engaged everyone which was great!

  2. Mike, you did a really good job the other day. Although you might have missed the net on your demonstration, I liked how you gave so many demonstrations. It was definitely better off when you split the class up into 2 groups for the practicing of the shot. Everyone was able to get more repetition. I would have to agree with Katie on how much more confident you were with your teaching.

  3. Mike, you did a really good job the other day. Although you might have missed the net on your demonstration, I liked how you gave so many demonstrations. It was definitely better off when you split the class up into 2 groups for the practicing of the shot. Everyone was able to get more repetition. I would have to agree with Katie on how much more confident you were with your teaching.

  4. Mike, I thought you did a great job teaching this lesson. Your provided me with a lot of effective feedback throughout the whole class. You also saw something that I did that could of been dangerous and were quick to correct me to make sure I did not do that again so I would end up getting hurt. The activity you had was great for what you were trying to teach. It provided us with a lot of practice and kept us active instead of standing around and waiting. Great job.

  5. Mike, you did a great job at keeping everyone engaged in the activity. Your demonstrations gave a good understanding of how the game is played and the feedback you gave my group showed us that there is a strategy to where to throw the ball.


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