WHAT: The first day I taught lab A I felt that I could have came into it a little more planned than I did. While I was home trying to plan out what I was going to do I think that I was trying to plan too much so I stopped and thought of an activity that was fun and easy to do to get everyone's heart rate going. Over all I think that I planned out a pretty good activity the first day but I could've made it a little longer than it was. Also I didn't sleep very loud or too clear. The next day I felt that I improved quite a bit although I still wasn't as loud as I want to be I think I gave clear and easy instructions for my activity. I was definitely more comfortable on day 2 with my classmates which made it a lot easier to be myself.
Gut: Going into lab A the first day I could feel my whole body shaking. I was definitely very nervous for many reasons. I didn't want to forget anything like saying my name or saying my signal for attention. I was nervous that I wouldn't say the directions for my activity right, and also I was afraid of what everyone was going to think of what I chose. I didn't give myself the confidence that I should've. I was also too quiet, being quiet is a hard flaw for me to break. I'm not really sure why I am more of a quiet reserved teacher, but I'm guessing it's because I get embarrassed very easily and when people judge me it makes me very nervous. The second day of lab A I was still a little nervous but once I got going I was fine I still need to be a lot louder but now that I got more comfortable with everyone I think that it's getting easier.
So What: Being nervous and quiet is one of the biggest things I need to overcome. I know that I am just beginning and that I will eventually over come this problem but then I will come across another problem that I will have to over come. " You never stop growing as a teacher. There is always more to learn and more to do. As soon as you think you have it figured out, you will have an experience that let's you know you have not." (Rink, 2010, P19) I need to keep this in mind and know that I'm am going to have my flaws but I need to over come those and look forward to letting myself figure out the next problem.
Now What: For my next lab I am going to make sure I set goals, plan my lesson thoroughly , and come into it feeling confident. The goals that I would set for next lab is being loud and try to make sure my voice isn't so shaky. I'm going to make sure that I don't say the word "guys" and start using saying more of "class" or "boy's and girl's". While I'm thinking about my next lesson plan I'm going to make sure I take down a lot of different notes so I can make sure my lesson is planned as well as I can plan it. I know that being confident in myself is going to be the toughest part for me, but I know if I act like I'm not confident others will see that and that doesn't make me the best teacher that I can be. I am going to use lab A to help me better prepare myself for future assignments and hope that I can achieve everything that I hope to!
Me teaching my activity on the second day!
Watching the partners try to relay race with a piece of paper between them.
ReplyDeleteI thought you did a great job at teaching LAB A. I also thought your activity was very simple to explain but was a great challenge for the class. This was a great instant activity. As for being nervous, you will become more and more confident as you keep teaching. Keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteThere was an obvious differance in the amount of confidence from the first time to the second time you taught lab A. You were alot more calm the second time. You will only continue to improve will expirience!
ReplyDeleteIn the first day of teaching you could tell that you were a little nervous, the second day you did great. you had much more confidence and you could see that. Also you came up with great activities , i really enjoyed them.
Katie, good reflection! I like how you recognize that confidence is crucial to teaching and learning how to teach but that you need to also be patient with yourself and enjoy the process! This is your first time. Know that you can only learn if you make mistakes, embrace them and learn. Enjoy the process! I like the connection to your book, very good to remember. Also be sure to focus on learning in your write up. You focused mainly on teaching, which is fine but try to put everything in the perspective of the student.
ReplyDeleteGood peer comments too but be sure to use constructive feedback as well. Hearing positive feedback is nice but we really don't learn much from that and teachers want to hear from their students and how teaching affected their learning!
Great work!
Katie, I felt as though you instant actvities were fantastic. I liked the skipping activity with the paper alot. I thought it was a great transtion into the step aerobics lesson.
ReplyDeleteVery good reflection all in all. I enjoyed how you talked about your weaknesses as well as your strengths. As you are saying that you are quiet and reserved, I was the same way when I first started out. As you move on, you will eventually feel a difference in your teaching where you are confident and love what your doing at the same time. Confidence is a big component in teaching since you want to gain the respect from your students. You also connected your thoughts and feelings to the book which was great! In your teaching I thought you were very clear in your teaching but your voice will come to you soon.