Going from Lab C to Lab D was a good step forward since learning from Lab C and how to manage the time of my lesson really helped in Lab D. Although I may have done slightly better in Lab C, I learned through some mistakes in my final lab. With those mistakes, I know where I need to focues on to improve for future lessons in EDU 256, 355, and 356. This class over the past semester has really helped me understand what I need to do as a educater and why presenting lessons to create physically educated students is important.
After viewing the C-9 form from my TA after my lesson, I was disappointed in that fact that I missed out on some important parts including the safety statement, check for understanding, and the closure. The one thing that I did not want to do was digress from Lab C. Making this mistake really made me think about my preparation before my lesson and whether I was focused or not during the lesson. Although there was an unexpected group of people on the ice with us which really changed the setting of class, there is no excuse. Distractions like that will occur in a real school setting so having that happen to me now may be a good thing. Comparing the TA's C-9 to my own, we both agree that my voice and enthusiasm were much of my strength in my presentation. I think that being vocal and showing great interest in the activity will deffinetly draw your students in even more. Another strong aspect to my lesson were my activities. Since this was the first part of the Broomball unit, I made the activities simple so the students could get used to walking on the ice and moving around without ice skates. Even with these strengths in my lesson, I could have done a better job in my demonstrations. In Lab C, my demonstrations of the activities were helpful to the students to know exactly what and how to perform the activity but in Lab D I was not as specific in the movement. For an example, I could have performed the obstacle course I set up so the students could see it in full speed before they tried it. There are some parts that I can improve on and other parts that I need to continue to improve on.
Although I am not content with my C-9 form, I am very happy with my time analysis. My goal from Lab C was to get a perfect score in Lab D and I accomplished that. In my TA's time analysis form I recieved the full five points for management, activity, instruction, and waiting. I am proud that from Lab B to Lab D my activity time progressivly got better and I eventually obtained 60% activity time in my Broomball lesson. In my own time record I did not reach the same percentages for each code but the outcome was the same with having the greatest amount of time spent on practice, then lecture/demonstration and the least amount of time on management. Recieving full credit on my time analysis is deffinetly something that I can be happy about because time management while teaching is critical. My goal is to have the maximum amout of participation for the maximum amount of students in the maximum amount of time and I achieved that goal.
In Lab C I provided a lot of positive feedback as well as a good amount of corrective feedback. My goal for Lab D was to build off of that and progress even further with giving more corrective feedback and providing feedback to the overall class. I did not completely reach this goal, for the most part I stayed the same with the amount of positive and corrective feedback I gave. Like in Lab C, I used the students names whenever I spoke to them which is important because you want them to know who you are speaking to and why. Most of my students did not experience much difficulty during the activities. Those who had trouble in the beginning made good improvements towards the end of the lesson. Although I provided a good amount of feedback in both Lab C and Lab D, I do believe that I need to improve. The classes that I have taught had only consisted of eight students and classes that I will be teaching will have more students so it will be more difficult to give good feedback.
I am very pleased with the peer evaluation that I recieved. I was give high scores in each of the questions which is nice to see that my teaching style and lessons are liked. Like in my C-9 form, I recieved a high score for my voice and enthusiasm which is important to me because both can influence the interest levels of the students during the lesson. I was given a high rating for my demonstrations as well but I think I could have done better by showing the class how to do the obstacle course and explain why each activity was important. One other aspect that I think that I can improve on is my management of the environment. Although I was given a 1 which is the highest score you can get, I believe that I could of done more to prevent the class from being distracted by the group of people on the ice with us. I could of had their backs to them so they would see only me and maybe have more focus throughout the lesson.
After watching myself teach, I believe that I could have done better with establishing more safety, ask students questions, and have a better formatted closure. Giving a safety statement at the beginning of class would better inform the students of what could happen if there were any goofing around, asking questions to the students would give me a better understanding of their knowledge and ending with a good closure would help me and the students reflect on what they learned during the lesson and how they progressed. However, there are some positives to come out of Lab D such as having approprate activities, being professional, working well in a loud environment, and having a smile with enthusiasm throughout the lesson. Making mistakes now will help me for the future because I am gaining experience as well as the rest of the class.
I think I did fairly well with my SOFIT form although I did not reach all of the percentages exactly. Again I was able to exceed the motor content percentage with 64% when it requires 50% of the lesson to involve motor content. I did not do so well with the management aspect as I scored a 26% when you should only have 10%. In order to improve on this I have to be more prepared with my equipment and plan my transitions ahead of time so it flows smoother. I did a little better with my knowledge percentage scoring a 10% when the preferred score is 15%. Like in my C-9 form and self analysis, to improve my knowledge content I need to ask students more questions about the activities and establish a good closure at the end of the lesson. Making these improvements will allow me to score better on my SOFIT and C-9 forms as well as make gains as a teacher.
After completing my Lab D, my goals for the future are to better prepare myself ahead of time with management, explaining safety, check for understanding, and establish a good closure. Each of these aspects to teaching are important because they allow you and the students to make progress. If students have trouble understanding the material or performing the activity, it is my job to help them. Looking into the future, I believe I can make these improvements along with building up my strengths to become a better teacher. This course has deffinetly prepared me to move on into EDU 256, 355, and 356 in which I am very excited for. There are always improvements to be made and I am excited to develop into the best teacher I can be.
ReplyDelete1. Pilates is a physical movement program designed to stretch, strengthen, and balance the body
2. The main focus of pilates is to exercise the mind and body. The physical movements combined with the mental concentration and breath work allows you to balance your body which can quiet your mind and nervous system. This can help you feel calm, balanced, and rejuvenated.
3. Some benefits to pilates include an increased spinal mobility, increased muscle flexibilty, increased muscular stregth and increased lung capacity.
4. After this class I think that I would try another class because it was a good workout and the stretches with the breathing felt good.
5. Quality is more important than quantity in pilates because doing the exercise correctly to the best of your ability is more important. You are not focused or worried about doing as many repetitions as possible. Staying relaxed and smooth with your movement is key.
QR Code
ReplyDelete1. Some signs and symptoms of depression may include overeating or lack of appetite, fatigue, and feelings of hopelessness.
2. There are different things one can do to help with their depression. Three examples include therapy, playing outside, and exercising.
3. My partner and I worked well together, we communicated and each gave ideas of where our destination might be.
4. We were not able to find any codes.
5. We had good ideas of where the codes may be but they were hidden to well for us to see where they were.
6. Overall we did have fun looking around and exploring.
Kinect (Lizz)
ReplyDelete1. I did both the dancing and soccer games with the kinect.
2. Some fitness components in the games included cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance and flexibility.
3. These fitness components can help me maintain my health by watching my weight and continualy staying in good shape as well as flexibility.
4. I was moving a lot more in the dancing with the kinect but I did enjoy playing soccer and scoring goals!
Kinect (Greg)
ReplyDelete1. Alcohol
2. Liver
3. High Knees
4. Follow through to sky
5. Jump like a lay-up
6. I believed that I showed proper sportsmanship during the lesson because I encouraged each of my classmates to do their best and celebrated with them when they did well.
John great lab D> you have grown very much from the beginning of the semester. You have great energy and a very good presence when you are teaching. Remember when you are planning your activities ask yourself how this applies to my objective and what are my students learning. Great activities in your lab just make sure the students are aware of the purpose of those activities. Great goals you have set for yourself and you will absolutely continue to grow as a teacher.