Sunday, October 7, 2012

John Lab B

Time Coding
I believe Lab B was a good challenge for everyone in the class and overall everyone did very well. With my personal lesson, I believe I did some good things while teaching but there are some things that I also need to work on. One of my strengths was in the time-coding which that I didn't keep the students waiting for an extended period of time. All of the students were engaged in the lesson for 98% of the time and that is important because it factors into Dr. B's three major parts of a lesson which are maximum participation with the maximum number of students for the maximum amount of time. However, even though the students were not waiting a lot, I could have had them more active throughout the lesson by using more time for my activities. That was one of my weaknesses while teaching the forward roll. I spent 56% of the time of my lesson with management and only 41% with activity. Students should be active for at least half of the lesson. One of my goals for Lab C is to have the students active for half of the class and spend less time managing it.
 Some strengths I had while teaching were my voice and giving positive feedback. I believe I spoke well and everyone was able to hear me throughout the lesson and I also gave congruent feedback to some of the students while they were practicing the forward roll. This allowed them to focus more on the cues and safety of the forward roll and not so much on how they looked performing it. A weakness in my lesson was that I didn't have a practice #1 for the forward roll before my demonstration which is important to have so the students are aware of what to expect when I do demonstrate the forward roll. I also forgot to hide the cues at the end of the lesson when I asked the class what the cues were. The class was able to see the cues although I believe they knew them regardless. For Lab C I want to be more prepared and have a Ppractice #1 activity and have a better check for understanding when asking the students about the cues.

Peer Observer Form
My observer said that I overall did well with my lesson but there are a few things that I can improve on. One weakness was that I didn't always use the students names when I was speaking to them. Although I already know their names and they know me, it would be better for me to still use their names. Another aspect that I can improve on is at the closure of my lesson, to ask more difficult questions relating to the cues, form, and safety of the forward roll. Saying the names of the students when speaking to them is something that I want to perfect for Lab C.

Lesson Plan
For my lesson plan, I think I planned out the times for my activities well but I didn't do a good job following it while teaching. I also could have used more creative activities for the forward roll to make the lesson more fun and less repetitive. My goal for Lab C is to plan for more creative activities so the students are more engaged and interested in the lesson.

Verbal Transcript
 After watching my video I realized that I said "okay", "real quick" and "guys" a lot which is good to know now so I can work on my word choice and improve for Lab C. For future lesson plans my goal is to have a practice activity before the demonstration and when I speak too use other words and not "okay", "real quick" or "guys" all of the time.

Overall I think I did well for Lab B as did everyone else in the class. I can't wait for the challenges of Lab C.

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