80% 20% -Vikki
Relating and applying to real life-Dan
Making the demonstration interesting/make it fun-Vanessa
Demonstration and visuals-Laura
Specific cues/feedback-Liz
Physical activity/not standing around-Ryan
Game play/situations then making adjustments-Tyler
Chunking/working towards a goal-Paul
Learning in progression-Rachel
Participating in class, practice at home-Andrew
Learning through progression, focusing on end goal-Rachel
Personable and feedback-Greg
Creativity-Dr. Baert
Monday, October 29, 2012
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Laura Lab B
Laura Bakos Lab B Baton Pass
For my lab b I thought I did ok but should do better next
time. On my C9 form it says I did not have specific boundaries. Although I knew
where the boundaries were I should have made it more clear to the students of
where they were so they would have known where not to go. I could have used
more groups so there would be less people standing around so students would have been more active. I noticed was I asked if anybody had any
questions AFTER they scattered which I should have done before they spread out.
This would have helped, because even in the video I noticed Greg asked me a
question and I was on the other side of the gym and it was hard to hear his
question so I had to move towards him which wasted some time. One of my major
weaknesses is the use of my voice. I should talk a lot louder and clearer so
everybody can hear my directions better. Although I did have a whistle I did
not use it which I should have to get their attention.
Off my time management sheet I tried to use a short amount of time to give instructions. I succeeded with 23% out of 30%.
The things I need to work on is my time management. This was supposed to be
less than 15% and I basically doubled it by 36%. I need to watch the flow of
things between activities to save time and make things go more smoothly. My
activity time was less than 50% at 30%. I could have done better with this by
having more groups so the students could have been more active. This could have
also helped with the waiting time which I received 11% when it should have been
less than 5%.
Peer Observation
Although I did make a safety statement It was very brief so next time I will elaborate on that more because it is very important. During my first practice I did not use
students' names and did not give them feedback which I should have. Giving congruent feedback would helped them with the skills I was trying to
teach. I also should have done the demo in full speed so they would have known
what I wanted them to do.
Verbal Transcript
While watching the video of myself there were many things I noticed
that I did not realize while actually doing my lesson. I said, um, uh, and you
guys numerous times. This is something I really need to work on because I know
there are not only guys but girls and it will make me sound more professional.
Lab C Goals
Goals for lab c will be remember safety statement, do not say guys, and work on speaking more clearly and loudly
Lab C Goals
Goals for lab c will be remember safety statement, do not say guys, and work on speaking more clearly and loudly
Sunday, October 7, 2012
John Lab B
Time Coding
I believe Lab B was a good challenge for everyone in the class and overall everyone did very well. With my personal lesson, I believe I did some good things while teaching but there are some things that I also need to work on. One of my strengths was in the time-coding which that I didn't keep the students waiting for an extended period of time. All of the students were engaged in the lesson for 98% of the time and that is important because it factors into Dr. B's three major parts of a lesson which are maximum participation with the maximum number of students for the maximum amount of time. However, even though the students were not waiting a lot, I could have had them more active throughout the lesson by using more time for my activities. That was one of my weaknesses while teaching the forward roll. I spent 56% of the time of my lesson with management and only 41% with activity. Students should be active for at least half of the lesson. One of my goals for Lab C is to have the students active for half of the class and spend less time managing it.
Some strengths I had while teaching were my voice and giving positive feedback. I believe I spoke well and everyone was able to hear me throughout the lesson and I also gave congruent feedback to some of the students while they were practicing the forward roll. This allowed them to focus more on the cues and safety of the forward roll and not so much on how they looked performing it. A weakness in my lesson was that I didn't have a practice #1 for the forward roll before my demonstration which is important to have so the students are aware of what to expect when I do demonstrate the forward roll. I also forgot to hide the cues at the end of the lesson when I asked the class what the cues were. The class was able to see the cues although I believe they knew them regardless. For Lab C I want to be more prepared and have a Ppractice #1 activity and have a better check for understanding when asking the students about the cues.
Peer Observer Form
My observer said that I overall did well with my lesson but there are a few things that I can improve on. One weakness was that I didn't always use the students names when I was speaking to them. Although I already know their names and they know me, it would be better for me to still use their names. Another aspect that I can improve on is at the closure of my lesson, to ask more difficult questions relating to the cues, form, and safety of the forward roll. Saying the names of the students when speaking to them is something that I want to perfect for Lab C.
Lesson Plan
For my lesson plan, I think I planned out the times for my activities well but I didn't do a good job following it while teaching. I also could have used more creative activities for the forward roll to make the lesson more fun and less repetitive. My goal for Lab C is to plan for more creative activities so the students are more engaged and interested in the lesson.
Verbal Transcript
After watching my video I realized that I said "okay", "real quick" and "guys" a lot which is good to know now so I can work on my word choice and improve for Lab C. For future lesson plans my goal is to have a practice activity before the demonstration and when I speak too use other words and not "okay", "real quick" or "guys" all of the time.
Overall I think I did well for Lab B as did everyone else in the class. I can't wait for the challenges of Lab C.
Greg Lab B
Overall, lab B was a great
success for the rest of the class. However, I was disappointed with
the way I executed it. This was an excellent learning experience for
me because through the various forms for evaluation I was able to
find out some of my positives and negatives of my presentation.
Time Analysis
is the section that I struggled the most with and it was very evident
when I ran out of time and was not even able to get to my second
activity. However, on the positive side one of my strong points was my
creativity. In the end this turned out to be however that was also my downfall. The optimal time of
physical activity in a class is 50% or more and in this I fell very
short on with only a 19%. This very bad because as a physical
education teacher it is my job to get the students physically fit and
active and because they did not get that 50% they are being cheated out of essential activity time. This all stemmed from my management,
waiting, and instruction and that was because I spent too much time
on these sections. My biggest fault was my the instruction ofn my instant
activity because I spent almost a minute longer then the rest of the
students and crunched myself for time further on in the lesson.
My C9 analysis was a great tool for me because this allowed me to see
the positives and negative that may not have been evident to me. In
my C9 it was pointed out that I need to obviously work on my time
management as well as maximizing my space. This was an excellent tip
because I was so focused on setting everything on one half of the gym
that I never thought to set one activity up and the other on the
other side of the gym. If I had done this it would have saved me time
that I was trying to set things up in between activities. It was also
pointed out that in my demonstration to perform the skill in full and
to not do a demo for my instant activity.
Peer Evaluation
My observer pointed out some good points that were also caught on my
C9 and one of the biggest ones was my closure, or lack there of. When
I was told that I only had one minute I became very nervous know that
I still had another activity to do. It was because I go so nervous
that I had over looked giving a proper closure that posed questions
and checked for understanding. One final thing that my observer
covered that none of the other forms did was that my transition from
activities could use some work. I appreciate all the positive and
constructive feedback that I received from my observer.
Lab C Goals
My goal for lab C is to keep the first
two activities very simple and quick to get into play. By doing this
I will save myself precious time that I lost explaining too much in
lab B, which then crunched me for time and got me extremely nervous.
Then for the second practice I can make sure to break down the skills
step by step.
Verbal Transcription
Writing out my verbal transcription was very helpful because it
pointed out words that I would use way too many times like “ok”,
“umm” and “alright.” By reviewing my verbal transcript it
will help me become a better teacher who will become more comfortable
in my public speaking and become more natural.
While I was not pleased with my overall
performance I am very happy with several aspects of my lab. Although
this was very nerve racking I learned more than I thought, more
specifically I learned what not to do, and I know that my lab C will
be significantly better!
Amanda Lab B
Throwing and Catching
the whole class did a great job in their lab B's. I personally feel I had my
strengths and weaknesses in my lab. I feel like I had a good instant activity
it involved my skill in a different way then most people involved theirs. I
incorporated my skill with connecting it with working on the student’s
flexibility. Another strength of my lab I believe was the various
demonstrations I used for my skill with was throwing and catching in softball.
As we talked about in class a good lesson should involve 3 different demos from
full speed, various angles, and common flaws. Turning to my weaknesses in my
lab I would say my voice was not that clear or loud enough to hear at time.
my C9 I was told i said the work "um" many times. As we talked about
in class using the word "um" is a cover up to think what to say next.
I believe to work on this problem for myself and anyone else who has this
problem is to practice you lesson and think of everyone word you would like to
say before you actually present it to your class. Another weaknesses I had is
that I completely forgot to state my safety statement. This is a big problem
that I have to personally work on. I believe my nerves took the best of me in
this lab and I forgot a lot of things I wanted to say.
Time Analysis
The time analysis was used to help see how much of our lab
you were instructing, the students waiting or doing an activity. On my time
analysis my student were only waiting 20% of the time. However, I was giving instructions
for must the time. In a physical education class you want the student to be
active most of the time. In my next lab my goal will be to increase the amount
of time the students are doing an activity.
As I watched my Lab B and wrote out the transcript of my
lab, I released that I said the word “um” a lot. The word “um’ as I said before is used when your are trying
to think of what to say next. I also learned from making my transcript that I
spoke a little to fast and at times it was hard to understand what I was
saying. I was mumbling at times and this was probably due to my nerves. By
watching myself teach I’ve learned that I need to take a deep breath before I
teach and relax. If I am nervous when I teach what I want to say will not come
out clear enough to understand. As a teaching you need your students to
understand what you are teaching or else your lesson will not work.
Peer Observation
the peer observation report we were given I was told that I did a good job in
structuring my lab. However this report pointed out all the things I did and
didn’t do in my lab. I was told I forgot the safety statement, which was
pointed out in the other reports I was given. My observer told me that my voice
was a little unclear and to low. After watching the video of my lab I agree
with my observer. The peer observer report gave me some great constructive
feedback that I will use to improve myself for Lab C.
Goal for Lab C
Lab C my goal will be to structure my lab before I even present it and practice
it so I am positive of everything I am going to say. I will also work my time
better and make sure each activity has enough time to be played. Lab C has a
lot more work then Lab B however I believe Lab B helped me prepare myself and
get the feel of teaching for that long of a period of time. I am excited to see
what lesson I will be teaching for my next lab and I will use all the criticism
given to me in my C9 to the best of my advantage.
My Complete Lesson Plan
Part of my Lab B due to technical difficulties
Ryan Lab B
I enjoyed everybody's Lab B presentations, and I thought that overall our class did a very good job for having very little teaching experience. Personally I believe that my lab went pretty well, but of course there are areas that I can improve on. Reviewing the video, and looking over the observation forms that were given too me has provided me with a lot of feedback, both positive and negative, that I can use to make my future lessons more successful.
Time Analysis:
My time management was pretty good even though I made a mistake by forgetting to check the time when I started my lesson. I ended up going over 9 minutes which wasn't too bad. One strong part of my lesson was that students were active for 57% of it, which is over the 50% goal that we all strive for. It's important to achieve 50% activity every time we teach because the main goal of our profession is to get students active. How can we say that we are accomplishing that goal if students aren't even active half the time that they are in our class? One weakness I had when it comes to the time coding form was that I could have spent a little less time with management. Management should take up less than 15% of the lesson, however during my lesson it took up about 19%, which isn't too bad but it still didn't meet the goal and can be improved. I could reduce my management time by using an instant activity that requires less explaining, and gets right into the action.
One of the main strengths of my lesson was my instant activity. It didn't take too long to explain, and everybody seemed to enjoy playing it. Also, it encouraged the students to hustle which raised their heart rates and also served as a good hook and first practice for throwing the Frisbee. According to my C9 form one of my weaknesses was the lack of a safety statement, however after reviewing my video I confirmed that I said "Always make sure you have a clear area to throw in so that we're not hitting anybody". I considered this my safety statement but I agree that I could have had a more in depth statement. Another weakness that I had during Lab B was my voice. Sometimes I tend to mumble after talking for a while and I need to get rid of that habit. There were times during my lesson where my voice was strong, but overall I need to improve my voice and make sure that everybody can hear me at all times. Also I need to be more enthusiastic about what I am teaching, but I believe that that will come with time and practice. I think that I was too worried about making sure I knew what to say, so I didn't seem very excited about my lesson. It is important to be excited about what you are teaching, because then the students will get engaged, and will want to participate. If you're not excited then how can you expect them to be?
Peer Observer Form:
My peer observer did a very good job filling out the form that they were provided with. I agree with just about everything on the peer observer form. The observer states that I didn't have 2 practices during my lesson, which I agree with, but there is a reason for that. I believe that the instant activity that I used also served as a first practice because it required the students to try and throw the Frisbee with accuracy. During this activity I was able to observe all the students throw, and was able to gauge what level the class was at as a whole. I was even able to pick out a student (Amanda) that I would use during my demonstration because her form was very good.
Verbal Transcription:
After reviewing my verbal transcription there are some things that I am very happy with, and some things that I can definitely work on. I was surprised to see that I don't seem to make one of the mistakes that is very common in our class, using the word "guys". I seem to be good at using other words in its place such as "everyone" or "class". It's important not to use the word "guys" because it is very informal and also could offend girls that are in the class. One problem that I have with my verbal transcription was that I tend to fill space with the sounds "um" or "uh" and I also get my words mixed up mid sentence sometimes. I believe that that happens because I am nervous, and because I did not practice my lesson enough. I should be able to fix those problems by being more in depth when practicing my lesson, and making sure that I know what to say before I have to teach.
Lesson Plan:
I felt very good about my lesson plan, especially after Dan reviewed it for me to make sure that it was good. I believe that I followed my lesson plan pretty well during my lesson. One thing that I would go back and change would be my safety statements. I think that I should have had more safety statements and should have been more clear explaining them to the students. It is important to make sure that your safety statements are clear so that everybody in class knows what to expect, and how to stay safe during class.
Lab C Goals
My main goal for lab C is to improve my excitement, and my voice. I can achieve these goals in one simple step, practice. I need to practice my lab as much as possible before it is time for me to present my lesson for the class. If I practice a lot, then I should be more comfortable with what I am saying, so I can project my voice with more confidence and also can focus on being excited about the lesson since I won't be so worried about what to say.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Liz Lab B
Looking at my C9 form I think I hit on a lot of the main points a lesson should have. My instant activity and introduction were there. I had safety statements and a visual aid. Next lab I need to incorporate a prop either into the lesson or into my hook. I think my tasks were good but I need to do one task then go over my cues and demonstrations. The one weakness I had on my C9 form was my transitions. I was a little nervous so I think this effected the way I transitioned from one task to another. This form was very helpful in figuring out what I need to work on for next lab.
Time Analysis:
I should have used more time for my lesson. Instead of the ten minutes we were given I only used eight so that is something I need to remember for my next lab. My students were active 43% of the time and we are aiming for 50% so I think I did well with that. I didn't have any waiting time and I think that is very important because we always want our kids moving and never waiting for the teacher to set anything up. I think if I keep working on my transitions I can be sure that my students won't be waiting around.
Peer Observation:
One thing my observer pointed out was that I didn't have my students in front of me during the whole lesson. I didn't really think of this while I was teaching because I was walking around to each group of students. I should have everyone in sight though because if something happens while my back is turned I could be liable. I also need to challenge my students. I think if we had more time I would put a challenge in for the students who pick up the skill right away. My observer also thought my instant activity was good because it kept the students wondering what was coming next. This was probably one of my favorite parts of the lesson.
Verbal Transcription:
By doing my verbal transcription I learned that I say "guys" and "all right" too much. I think I did a good job giving directions but I needed to give more congruent feedback. I made sure to say good job to everyone at least once but I could have reminded them of the cues or pointed out what they were doing wrong. My voice was loud and clear which is important to keep the attention of the students.
Goals for Lab C
- Better transitions
- Practice before introduction of cues and demonstrations
- Use full amount of allotted time
- Give congruent feedback
Overall I think everyone in class did a good job with Lab B. Everyone had strengths and weaknesses. I think I did a good job keeping everyone active but I need to work on transitions. My instant activity was fun and not just a physical game but also cognitive and made the students think a little. I also need to make sure to not just say good job to everyone but give congruent feedback.
Check out my Lab B Video and Lesson Plan.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Rachel Lab B

According to my C9 form, I need to work on are to speak more clearly, slower and be louder. I can improve on this by just becoming more comfortable when teaching. If I can improve my voice, this will help my students with understanding what I am saying, so that they know what they have to do. I also lacked enthusiasm in my lesson, improving on that will help to get the students excited about what I am about to teach and help get them more engaged. Also, I have to work on feedback, I mostly said "good job" or when I did try to say something else, I said it very quietly and messed up my words. Knowing how to do something is very different from doing it. In class I found myself being able to come up with good feedback but when I was doing Lab B, I didn't. In my notes it says to use positive feedback, then corrective and then positive which I will have to try to actually use next time. Also I should of used congruent feedback, which is feedback that has to do with your cues, which I have written down in my notes. Congruent feedback will help the students connect the cues to what they are doing, which will help them remember them.
Time Analysis:
When I looked at my time analysis, I see that my percentage of management was less then 15%, it was 3%. That was good because usually that is when students are standing around and not being active. The goal for waiting time was less than 5%, and I obtained 7% so I need to work on that. The goal for time spent on physical activity is more than 50% and I received 27%. When I improve on lowering the wait time, my activity time will increase.
Peer Observer Form:
My observer said that I didn't have a signal for attention which I know I did, it was two claps. My observer may have missed this because of all that is going on, my C9 form says that I had it. Also my observer put that I didn't have a statement about expectations, which I did. My C9 form also says that I stated my expectations. It also says that I didn't have a hook but I was trying to have my instant activity serve as my hook, when I asked questions about it during my introduction. My instant activity could serve as a hook because it gets the students interested in what they may be doing next, the students also seemed to be having fun, so that increases interest.
From what I heard, I said "guys" seven times during my lesson. Which I need to improve on because there is also girls in the class to, so that is improper. I noticed I messed up my words a lot because I was nervous and I could become more prepared so that I speak clearly. I could do this by speaking slower, or by having a cheat sheet to keep me focused on what I want to do next.
Lesson Plan:
I believe that my activities were good, but I could use more safety statements. I need more safety statements so that the students are completing these activities safely. I believe that my activities were safe, I could have stated that when the students give each other high fives, to do it softly and to only hit their hand.
Goals for Lab C:
My goals for myself for Lab C, are to become more comfortable, in order for that to happen, I need to be completely confident in what I am doing, everyone else is in the same boat. I need to be louder, clearer and speak more slowly. This will help me get my points across and seem confident in what I am saying. The last goal for Lab C is to give constructive and congruent feedback, I need to just observe the students doing the activity and explain what I see. Having good feedback will make the students feel more confident in what they are doing and will help them improve. The more I practice, the easier it will come I believe.
Lesson Plan
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Tyler Hall Lab B
Posture! |
Time Analysis:
The time analysis sheet seems to be a very helpful tool in the future. I never dealt with one of these before. I think it will help greatly in focusing on getting 50% of physical activity in a lesson. One thing I noticed on my time analysis was that 68% of my lesson came through instruction. The targeted percentage was to be less than 30%. I believe I could have improved on that by going longer on my practice time. I planned on my practices to be longer but I cut the time because I thought I was out of time. I was unprepared in the fact that I didn't have a watch. Another thing I noticed was that my activity time was only 23% which isn't even half of what is supposed to be of 50%.
C9: One positive or strength that came out of my C9 was maximum participation. This is one of the biggest things that I try to focus on when planning a lesson. Every practice or activity that I did not one person was standing around or waiting for someone to finish. Another strength that comes up on my C9 was that all of the students were active which is another thing that I harp on when planning a lesson. This is important because if students are standing around they won't focus on the lesson or when the teacher is giving direction. One weakness on my C9 was intelligible. I would have to agree with the TA on this one because I messed up my cue board. It was supposed to be 2 slow and 2 fast when i had 2 fast and 2 slow. It may also have showed in my lesson also because I wasn't fully comfortable with teaching the foxtrot dance. I researched the topic quite a bit but I still wasn't fully comfortable most likely due to the fact that I haven't danced much in the past.
One thing my peer observer said that I fully agree with is that they told me that I could have done the practice before the demo. This is very true. It is because when I taught I did my instant activity and went straight into my demo. The first practice before the demo is big because it helps the teacher realize what they can work on. Also, it gets them into the lesson by engaging in an activity before the teacher talks and bores the student already. Another thing my peer wrote down was that he liked my prop. I also thought that my prop was clever and related very well to the lesson.
Transcript and Video:
I also noticed when I watched my video and did the transcript lab, was that I said "so" a lot. There were a couple "Uh" but mostly I repeated "so". There is a lot of improvement in the little words that are said. I also said "guys" many times too. I didn't even realize that I was saying it either. I need to change these into "everyone" or something along the lines of that. One thing I noticed along with that was that I rushed the activity parts of the lesson. I would start the activity and it wouldn't last that long when it could have lasted quite a bit longer. If I had a watch that day, I would have planned the time a lot better. Another thing I noticed in my transcript was that I didn't converse as much as I can/need to with the students. I need more checks for understandings and even more challenges to the class such as a intra-task variation. These can be huge in dealing with students not being bored with the lesson.
Some personal goals that I would like to work on for next time will include, increasing my voice, eliminating the "so", slowing down when I speak, and smoother transitions. I thought my transitions were alright but could have gotten better. One time I had them moving from one end to another and then brought them in to the other side which slowed things down.Lab B has been great so far and I am looking forward to Lab C already. Everyone has done a terrific job thus far and I'm excited to observe the last group.
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