Monday, September 10, 2012

Gregory MacDonald

I was extremely enthused about the opportunity of presenting in from of the class for lab A. Although I was scared to death at the original though of it I was pleased with how I performed. The most important thing for me to remember and to improve on is to remain relaxed and not fill up space with fullers like “umm.” One major connection between chapter 4 and what I had experienced was to “Orient the Learner.” What this is essentially, is providing the class with and agenda similar to what we do in class and the reason for this is. “People feel more comfortable if they know in advance what they will be doing and, in some cases why they will be doing it. Personally this is a skill that I intend to involve in every one of my future classes because as a student it is much easier on the mind to know what is coming up and this way there are no surprises. Another connection with chapter 4 was “Student Preoccupation with Other Environmental Factors” summed up what this means is that students get distracted by their surroundings and are not focused on you. Although we were an older group we all left our things behind when listening to everyone elses presentations to give them our undivided attention. By doing this we cut out any possibility of being distracted and this can be vital to the elementary levels on teaching and even high school. This is something to keep in mind when teaching to maby explain the game or skill before the students are allowed to grab any equipment. Overall, I felt very confident in my performance and even better in the second one when I corrected my eye contact and was able to gather my thoughts better than the first time. I am looking forward to becoming very confident as a teacher and holding my students attention!


  1. Greg, very good start with lab A, i like how you noticed yourself using filler like ummm, it is good to notice your mistakes and know how to fix them. Great connection to chapter 4, it is very helpful for students to know what they will be doing that day in class it helps them become interested. It is also very important to get full attention of your students, a great way to do this is to make sure the students backs are to any distractions and there focus is on your. Great job so far!!

  2. Try to add a picture to your blog from your lab posted on the website!


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